
Showing posts from May, 2015

Taylor Swift Chrome Theme on Brand Thunder

Taylor Swift Chrome Theme I forgot to post that I have a Taylor Swift Chrome theme on Brand Thunder also.

Beyonce Theme on Brand Thunder

My Beyonce Chrome Theme Another beautiful day today. One of the Beyonce themes I made for Brand Thunder is on line now, so if you use Chrome and are a Beyonce fan the link is above. Have a wonderful day. I plan to.

Sunshiny Wednesday!

Kittens and Bunnies   Thought I would pop in and write a bit on my blog. Just finished an Angry Birds theme for Brand Thunder and sent it in, so am waiting to see if it was all right. It was pretty simple so didn't take me long. I see the Kanye West theme they asked me to make is on line now, so if you use Chrome and are interested in that, here it is. I don't use Chrome so I have no idea what they look like once they are used. Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day. Ours was pretty quiet since the weather didn't let us do what we had planned. Our family had planned on going up into the mountains for a wiener roast, but the weather was too wet and chilly. Seems like most Memorial Days are like that here. When we used to camp out every holiday on this side of the mountains with dirt bikes and ATV's, it s...

Memorial Day

Memorial Day by MaDonna Just wanted to pop in this morning and update my blog for Memorial Day.     I am featuring my Memorial Day theme design today. Someone asked me if the eagle was sleeping! So I edited the description to explain. The eagle is hanging his head in sorrow for those we have lost in our many wars. Too many wars! And too many men and women that will live the rest of thier lives with body and minds impaired. I just wish we could go back to the old days when families were together and we were at peace. It is so sad that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have to live with the hammer of war, ISIS. getting shot while they are at school, etc. etc. hanging over their heads.   I don't have a lot of time to write today so this won't be a long post.    But I wanted to get my blog up to date and let everyone know that Desktop Nexus is up and r...


Shower For Ladybug I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day. My daughter had us over for munchies. One of our son's had a bad cold and couldn't make it but our oldest son and his wife came and we all sat out in the sun and ate! And talked! And talked!  Had so many good things to munch on that I probably shouldn't eat for a week, but I am. I am more of a muncher than a big meal type. I would rather just snack all day and not have to eat a big meal. My son and his wife gave me the cutest little bear figurine to put outside. I actually put it on our picnic table so I can see it when I look out my kitchen window. It makes me smile. Last night I was thinking about how I used to feel when I was looking forward to something, like going across the mountains on our motorcyles. I would get this fluttery feeling in my stomach and get excited about getting everything around ...

Sunday Morning

The doves are cooing and the sun is shining. A perfect Sunday morning! We have two nesting doves and they coo all day long. It is rather soothing to hear them. Next Sunday will be Mother's Day. I always miss Mom more around this time of the year it seems. I have so many questions I wish I had asked and things I would love to tell her. I would love for her to have met our great grandkids.  Mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer about this time in 2002. There was really nothing they could do by the time it was found. My brother and sister-in-law, my sister and her son, my husband and I decided we could share taking care of Mom so she could be at home during her last days. We would each be at Mom's for 3 days and nights,  another sibling would take over for 3 days and nights. We couldn't have done this without the help of Hospice. They were such a big help to us and Mom.  I remember one of the first things I did for Mom was paint her toenails a bright pink. I d...