Snowy Owl

Just wanted to drop in and wish you all a Happy New Year.
 Hope your Christmas holiday went well.

We find we are more thankful each Christmas that we have family we can spend time with. My brother and his wife are up for the holiday and we had a wonderful visit with them. We have so much to talk about we didn't stop talking from hello hug to goodbye hug. I just wish we could visit with them more often. But it sounds like they will be up for the whole summer this year so we have that to look forward to. I feel very lucky that my family is close and get along so well. I didn't get to see my sister this year but she was in my heart as she always is.

Christmas eve day we spent time with some of the grandkids and great grandkids and the evening we spent by ourselves. We find we enjoy the quiet Christmas eve's by ourselves. We had years and years of loud, happy, fun Christmas eve's with kids, grandkids and tons of gifts and we are thankful for that. Christmas day we had our sons here for pizza. No stress dinner. Thankyou, Papa Murphy! Our daughter and grandaughter had a holiday at Disneyland together and didn't get back until early Christmas morning so she spent the day with her kids, so we missed her.

I wanted to update my blog today since I had time so will get back soon. Have a wonderful New Year holiday and don't drink and drive!

Will be back soon!



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