Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve

Happy New Year from MaDonna

Since it is New Years Eve I thought I would stop in and wish you all a wonderful 2015. We will have a nice quiet New Years Eve like we have had in the past few years. I think the last New Year we saw in was 2000 and we wanted to see if everything would go dark like some people were predicting. And it didn't! The lights are still on, etc. 

Fibromyalgia has been putting a crimp in my life the last week. I thought I was managing it pretty well but I decided to go off one of the night time medications and it threw my whole system into a breakdown. Plus the cold, cold weather does't help any. And I am sure going on 76 years old doesn't make it any better. It is a horrible disease that won't kill you, but you sometimes wish it would! 

Well, Happy New Year everyone and let us hope for peace and tranquility in the future, for all of us. 

Friday, December 26, 2014


Snowy Owl

Just wanted to drop in and wish you all a Happy New Year.
 Hope your Christmas holiday went well.

We find we are more thankful each Christmas that we have family we can spend time with. My brother and his wife are up for the holiday and we had a wonderful visit with them. We have so much to talk about we didn't stop talking from hello hug to goodbye hug. I just wish we could visit with them more often. But it sounds like they will be up for the whole summer this year so we have that to look forward to. I feel very lucky that my family is close and get along so well. I didn't get to see my sister this year but she was in my heart as she always is.

Christmas eve day we spent time with some of the grandkids and great grandkids and the evening we spent by ourselves. We find we enjoy the quiet Christmas eve's by ourselves. We had years and years of loud, happy, fun Christmas eve's with kids, grandkids and tons of gifts and we are thankful for that. Christmas day we had our sons here for pizza. No stress dinner. Thankyou, Papa Murphy! Our daughter and grandaughter had a holiday at Disneyland together and didn't get back until early Christmas morning so she spent the day with her kids, so we missed her.

I wanted to update my blog today since I had time so will get back soon. Have a wonderful New Year holiday and don't drink and drive!

Will be back soon!


Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Bright Firefox 2015

I only have a couple minutes but I wanted to wish you all a wonderful  Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas day. I hope you can all be with some family to share love and good food.

I have some pumpkin breads in the oven and they make the house smell wonderful.

Firefox has gotten the User Counter fixed so that is a big plus for all. I have quite a few New Year ones on line and working on some more.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Weather & Flu Bug!

Solitude at Dawn

I love the design I am highlighting today. I tried to make the morning sky and mountain off to the left side of the screen and think it worked out well. The eagle adds a touch also.

It has a been a tough two weeks at our house. Right after Thanksgiving my husband caught some kind of flu bug and didn't take care of himself (like I nagged at him about!). Of course several things happened that he did have to take care of. The gas heater in our "big" room went out and wouldn't stay lit so he had to make 2 trips to town to get parts to fix it and that was during our cold spell. Then we got warm rainy, windy weather, 3 different storms actually and the cap off the chimney blew off so he had to find it, fix it and get up on the roof and get it back on. A neighbor's tree blew down on our daughter's deck but our youngest son got that taken care of. The deck, rails, etc. still have to be fixed but that is no hurry. 

Then I caught my dear husband's whatever it is. We haven't had anything hit us like this for a long time. Both have been pretty much out of it for 2 weeks. Beginning to see the end of it, hopefully. I have been able to keep the house and laundry up, work a bit on designing just to keep my mind busy...but that is about it. We managed to get to the Dr. one day to get some cough medicine and he put my huband on antibiotics because his lungs were pretty bad. Our daughter kept us in home made soups, although neither one of us had much of an appetite. We both got flu shots this year like we always do, but they say 2 different strains weren't in this year's shots. Thanks, CDC!

I haven't done much for Christmas this year and doubt if I do. Got my cards and letters out, but don't think I will do much decorating. 

I don't think Brand Thunder has put any more of my Christmas designs on so won't be submitting anymore for awhile.

Mozilla still doesn't have the user counts fixed and it has been way over a month. I don't know if they are short staffed or just don't think it is important enough. They "say" it is supposed to be fixed by next week! But I have heard that before. The Up and Coming have been the same for over a month also and I am sure everyone is tired of looking at them. I know I am. Enough griping!

I hope you all had a good week and don't get any bugs! Happy Christmas shopping, baking and decorating.

Will try to be back next week.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Back on Brand Thunder!

Winter Sweet Bullfinch

This will be short and sweet today as I don't have a lot of time, but I wanted to let you know I am making designs for Brand Thunder again. Both GMail, IE and Firefox themes so those of you out there that don't use my favorite Firefox you can still use my designs. I will post links to them as they get on line. I have to learn how to embed the script right in my blog so you would be able to download it from here, but "have to learn how"! So far I haven't figured it out.

The first one is up now and you can download it at:

Mozilla STILL doesn't have the user counts, up and coming fixed yet. It has been a whole month now. Hopefully they will get the bug fixed soon. Many of the other designers are complaining about it on the forum I notice. 

I have been working on winter and Christmas. I love making the winter ones with the lighted cottages, etc. 

Warm and Cozy Holiday

Christmas Cats and Dogs

I will get back ASAP. My husband had a check up with his cardiologist this morning so is a short work day. It has been almost a full year since he had his heart attack. He is doing so well and I am so thankful. After being together for 58 years I don't think I could live without him. I honestly don't.

Will check back in soon! Have a good week!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...