Spring Sunshine

Cherry Blossoms Pink

Today is a beautiful spring day in Northwest Washington. Yesterday we broke the record for rain in one day. As my Mother used to say, "If you don't like the weather here, wait a few mintues and it will change!" And my Mother was always right!

Speaking of Mothers, I decided to have my blog in pink Motherly colors for next months holiday, Mothers Day. Hope you like it. 

My Mom has been gone for 12 years now and I still miss her.

Well, we looked at washing machines this week and I was totally shocked at how expensive they are now. And they tell us they don't do as good at getting your laundry clean as the old ones! They took the phosphates out of detergents, which I know there was a reason for but that was what got the wash clean! And now the washers don't clean as good. Plus we had to argue with the salesman about not wanting a front load machine! He wanted to know why, so I told him it was harder to bend over.....oh, but you can pay this much more and get a stand for it so you don't have to bend over! I don't want a front loader....which I think we finally got across to him. And now if you get a top loader, you can't open it after it starts! I like to open the top and see how things are going in the washer but I guess they think you won't watch your kids so they might get ino the machine. You have to hit a pause button to open the top but that stops the machine from working so you can't see anything!
I still haven't made a decision on what machine to get and know we will have to soon. Plus, as I said, they are so expensive!!

I told you I had made my laundry detergent but hadn't tried it yet. Well I am totally enthusiastic about it now. It works just great, except next time I don't think I will put as much water in it. It doesn't take that long to make and it saves so much money. Plus it gets the laundry clean with my old washer anyway! You can do a load for just a few pennies. My grandaughter is very motivated to do things natural and save money. So she was the one that actually went on line and found the recipe and has been making it for over a year. Now she has found out how to make the laundry crystals so I may have to look into that, too.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter. We had the quietest Easter ever, I think. We spent the day reading and relaxing. We will be having our Easter celebration this next Sunday with grandkids and great grandkids, so will be fun. It is so great to be around that much love, energy, and excitement the little ones generate. 

Better get back to work. Have a great week end!




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