
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Scrooge

Scrooge put a crimp in our Christmas. My husband had a heart attack and had to have a stent put in. This is pretty rough on a man that has gone full bore all his life. The Doctors and hospital have been great but he is still not his healthy self. And what we would do without our wonderful children and grandchildren, I don't know. They are always there when we need them and so supportive. But we have decided to stay home Christmas eve and rest and we have to miss a great grandsons birthday party and a family reunion. These are all in a 1 week period, plus Christmas Day. But our kids will be here Christmas day and we are having pizza! Not your traditional Christmas dinner, but it will be good because we will be together. I wish you all a Happy Healthy Holiday season and a Happy New Year. Till next time.

Update for December

Adam Cole is a post grad student at York St John University in York and is studying for a Masters in Music composition. He recently asked me if he could use one of my autumn designs for a piece he has composed called Autumn Transparency. I told him he had my permission to use it. He sent me a link to his sound clould page and you can hear his composition. I listend to it and found it very relaxing and different from the usual kind of music I listen to, but I enjoyed it and thought I would put a link to it on my blog. If you are interested in hearing it, you can find it at: . If you enjoy it leave a comment for him as I am sure he would like to know what listeners think. I am trying to cut back on working on Christmas since I have so many already made, but I keep going through my graphics and find something and start a new one. It is warmer out today and looks like it may warm up some more but when it does that, it rains! Hav...
Christmas Holly Berries December is here already. I know I keep saying how fast time goes, but it does. I have the family 2014 calendars finished and the Christmas cards ready to go out. I don't do a lot of decorating anymore. Since I stopped having Christmas eve with all the kids and grand kids, I don't see any point in it. Plus I work on Christmas themes from Halloween so get a bit tired of decorating! My decorating will be on your computers. I will put up some things that my Mom made and a small tree. I gave the nativity manger that my husband made years ago to our oldest grandson and his wife to use. My Mom found the pattern for a rustic manger in a Family Circle magazine 50+ years ago. My husband made us each one out of cedar from our wood shed. I remember the first creche figurines I bought were from the .88¢ store. Our little dog kept eating the sheep, though. She never touched anything...