Christmas Closing In
Purple Designer Christmas
Brand Thunder Link
Well, we made it through another year together. And today was the day the Mayan calendar proclaimed the end of time!
I just wanted to wish you all a great holiday and hope you can spend it with family like we are so lucky to be able to.
The Brand Thunder blog had a spot about the Nexus 7 winners and thought I would post the link. I am really enjoying the Nexus 7. I am reading books on it right now. I put the Kindle app on it and can get books from Amazon free or at a very low cost. My husband is using it to play a hunting game on it, too. So I want to thank Brand Thunder for the win. I did work hard on the contest, though. I made a lot of pop culture designs and the one that they chose to win was Darth Vader Red Planet. I have never seen a Star Wars movie but it was fun to make.
Till next year!
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