Friday, December 21, 2012

Purple Designer Christmas
Brand Thunder Link

Well, we made it through another year together. And today was the day the Mayan calendar proclaimed the end of time! 

I just wanted to wish you all a great holiday and hope you can spend it with family like we are so lucky to be able to.

The Brand Thunder blog had a spot about the Nexus 7 winners and thought I would post the link. I am really enjoying the Nexus 7. I am reading books on it right now. I put the Kindle app on it and can get books from Amazon free or at a very low cost. My husband is using it to play a hunting game on it, too. So I want to thank Brand Thunder for the win. I did work hard on the contest, though. I made a lot of pop culture designs and the one that they chose to win was Darth Vader Red Planet. I have never seen a Star Wars movie but it was fun to make. 

Till next year!

Christmas Closing In

Purple Designer Christmas
Brand Thunder Link

Well, we made it through another year together. And today was the day the Mayan calendar proclaimed the end of time! 

I just wanted to wish you all a great holiday and hope you can spend it with family like we are so lucky to be able to.

The Brand Thunder blog had a spot about the Nexus 7 winners and thought I would post the link. I am really enjoying the Nexus 7. I am reading books on it right now. I put the Kindle app on it and can get books from Amazon free or at a very low cost. My husband is using it to play a hunting game on it, too. So I want to thank Brand Thunder for the win. I did work hard on the contest, though. I made a lot of pop culture designs and the one that they chose to win was Darth Vader Red Planet. I have never seen a Star Wars movie but it was fun to make. 

Till next year!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fun to Be A Snowman

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or whatever you believe in!

We still have geraniums blooming in pots under the eves of the house so it doesn't really seem  like Christmas time but it is.

We have had a pretty rough couple weeks but things are looking up now. I came down with walking pneumonia before Thanksgiving and just kept working but I shouldn't have. Then the day after my husband took me to the Dr. our son and his wife dropped by and they were just leaving when my husband just passed out cold on the floor. It was so scary and I was so weak from being sick that I don't know what would have happened if the kids hadn't been here. I almost passed out while the EMT's were here taking good care of my husband. They took him to the hospital and it sounds like the Doctors had him on too much blood pressure medicine and his blood pressure just dropped. He hit his head on the floor but guess he has a hard head because there was no fracture, etc. He is doing fine now, but of course he caught my bug, so we got him on antibiotics right away so it didn't end up like mine. We both still cough but can see a light at the end of the tunnel now.

I am so thankful he is all right, and so thankful that we have great kids and they are all close by. 

We decided that we won't have Christmas Eve at our house this year. It has gotten more difficult to get everyone together since everyone has so much family, babies, etc. This will be the first Christmas eve I haven't had a get together in about 35 years so will be different but guess we have earned it at this point in our lives. We will be with family earlier in the day, though.

I have kept very busy working on designs and have more Christmas designs made than I should have. But they are so much fun and I keep getting new graphics so hope you are enjoying my work.

I always make our family calendar and worked on it over the week end and it is finished and printed out. 

I am loving my Nexus 7 that I won and my husband likes playing hunting games on it since he isn't doing much hunting this year. Thank you, Brand Thunder for it and to all the people that are using my designs.

Christmas Bright

I will end this post as I began it by wishing you all a great holiday season. I want to thank you for using my designs and your support over this past year. 

And a good night to all! 




                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...