Sunday, January 22, 2012

Just Amazing!

Just Amazing
Hi again and welcome new followers. I am not very good at checking in often like most blogger's do, so I am hopeful you will have patience with me. I just get so involved in designing the wallpapers and themes that I run out of time! You would not believe how many hours a day I work...or maybe you would, I don't know. I used to sew the same way, just lose time...sometimes it is worth it and sometimes not.

The design I am displaying today is one that got popular very quick. I knew I liked it, but you never know if others will or not. I have posted the link for the Mozilla Firefox site, wallpaper and Brand Thunder site. I have noticed that some designs I submitted in 2009 are getting a lot of use all of a sudden so I wonder if it is from some of the followers that are beginning to know me and my work.

We just got through a terrible week of weather. Snow, freezing, northeast mention it, we had it. It was 11 degrees here for several days with that horrible northeast wind so with the wind factor, was much colder.  There are still drifts in our yard but almost gone. We had gotten in to town the Saturday before it started so didn't need anything so stayed home. AND WORKED! 

Our New Years day turned out to be not a good start for the year. We were robbed that night. Someone or more than one got into our shop and went through everything and stole a lot of things. It is quite a shock to get up in the morning and look out the window to see a shop door open when you know it was closed and locked the night before. It has taken my husband days to go through things and try to find what is missing. He works hard and helps people out that don't have much money to keep their vehicles running for them and to have someone come in and steal tools, etc. that lets him help people is really disgusting. That is not the kind of world I want to live in but it seems to be the way it is now. So I advise any and all of you to go through things and make sure you have serial numbers, etc.  If you have a camera, take a photo of the serial numbers on items as that is almost easier than writing down a ton of numbers, put the photos on a disc or flash drive and keep them somewhere safe. I learned this a little late! So don't be like me and close the barn door after the horses got out!

I am working on Valentine Day themes right now but already getting tired of them! And it isn't even February. I enjoy making the nature ones with forests, trees, etc. best. So don't think I will make too many Valentine ones, but do have some graphics I want to use so will make some more. 

I am going to sign off for today. But I happened to check the blog the other day and saw I had a couple more followers and wanted to welcome them and hope they check in more often than I do!

Thanks for using my work. That is why I keep doing it. 

Have a great week and hope you are all warm and cozy.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


New Years Celebration

I hope you all had a nice Christmas or whatever you celebrate at this time of year. I loved having toddlers around for Christmas Eve. What is more fun than watching little kids open gifts, eating too much and celebrating the season with the family you love? But honestly I am glad it is all over. It seems like I worked on Christmas designs for months. Actually I didn't but it seemed like it.

I have a lot of designs on Brand Thunder now and they seem to be quite popular. I am afraid I got too involved in the contest. I wish they hadn't shown the running results. I think we would have all been happier if they hadn't but I knew by early the last evening I didn't have a chance of winning because the competition was getting a lot of last minute interest. I was told by many they like my design much better and couldn't figure out what his was. But apparently a lot of people liked it because he won. I am a traditionalist and like the old standby. That is probably an age thing!

I just wanted to check in and wish you all a Happy New Year and hope for a great 2012.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...