August Already

Floral Elegance
 Frog Loves Strawberries Too

Hello everyone and happy August to you. We have sunshine today as we should in August!

I posted two designs I thought turned out well for me. The first one, floral Elegance took a long time to make as their was almost 60 different layers I had to put in. The wallpaper to match it is on line also. This is the Persona I am using myself I liked it so well.

The second one, Frog Loves Strawberries Too was a fun one to make and I was tickled when I tried it on my screen. Fact is, I laughed out loud. So I hope others enjoy it. So many people are into frog "stuff". I have gone through different phases of liking something such as frogs. I had daisies at one point, where I had a daisy clock, mugs, etc. Then the owl phase, Native American phase and of course bears. I have a quite a few bear figurines, etc. in our house and outside, too actually. We have some big concrete black bears in a flower bed even! 

Well, hopefully our friends in the other Washington will come to a decision and get a vote soon. That is all we hear lately on the news, etc. My husband was reading an article to me out of the paper yesterday saying people are investing in wine and gold. I laughed and told him that was why I bought wine. He said not buy wine, but invest in wine. So I answered back that buying the wine and drinking it makes you feel better anyway. I think he finally agreed with me!

Well, I am going to get back to work. For some reason today I don't feel any enthusiasm for designing and my brain is kind of blank. I am sure something will inspire me soon and I will get some ideas. 

I hope you hall have a good week and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Till next time.


  1. Hello MaDonna,
    Adore 'Frog Loves Strawberries Too'... and your Blog's overall look... love all the Butterflies...
    I always wonder what I'll see whenever I arrive, knowing it's possible you've changed the look.
    Your Creative Nature flows in all areas.

    60 layers for 'Floral Design'! no wonder you are feeling a bit blank... a lot of concentration would have been at work to fulfil the result.

    And please forgive my lateness in wishing you a Happy 1st Blog Posting Anniversary for July.. but though I'm late, my good wishes still flow... has been and is wonderful Visiting your Blog, reading your Posts, and discovering your new Creations.

    And for me it's yay... August is happening, the last month of Winter in Australia... never thought I'd think, write or say such words... but gosh I was very unprepared for how cold Gympie Queensland area became, which I've learnt is how it usually is... I sure know now. Under clothing thermals for next Winter is my goal.

    Hugs, good wishes, appreciation, Friendship from Magda in Australia


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