Monday, February 28, 2011

March March March
Thought I would update my blog for March. The picture I added is a desktop wallpaper I made and you can find it at:

Our snow and blowing is over for a few days but we are supposed to get more. 

I have been working so hard on wallpapers and Personas that the weather hasn't bothered me much except when I have to go outside!  So I haven't gone outside much. Thank God my husband gets the wood, mail and paper in. I just enjoy it.

My birthday was last week and I got a wonderful surprise in the mail today. A big box and I knew I hadn't ordered anything. What a wonderful surprise to open it and find 2 bottles of the most delicious wine. (It is called Pied Violet from WineShop at Home.) We had been at our daughter's house a week ago on Sunday as her kids were up to visit. (Which is another joy!) They opened this bottle of wine and I was very skeptical as I don't like a real dry wine. But this was fantastic with a deep smoky flavor. I would never, ever pay that much for a bottle of wine (you know wine comes in a box!).  So I just enjoyed it while we visited and had such a good time. But now I have 2 bottles for myself. I just have to remember not to hoard it! I have a habit of thinking, I will save this for.....and at my age, I better drink it while I can.  

Well, I best get back to work but I wanted to update my blog a bit for March. I think I will try to do that every month. That will give me some incentive to get on here and post. 

Magda, I love your new blog site. So beautiful. Thanks for letting me know about the change. 

I wish you all a wonderful week and a Happy Saint Patrick's Day if I don't get on here before then.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cold and Blowing

 Blue Enchantment

Wow, long time since I have posted, isn't it? I am getting almost too compulsive about working on designs. Since I don't review anymore I am putting in double time having fun, but it is still work. And I know I should be doing something else, but what's a person to do? My 72nd birthday is very close and at my age I should be doing what I enjoy, I guess.

The above design turned out very well, anyway I think it did and I hope my followers will like it also. The desktop to match can be found at:

It is very cold here today with a northeast wind howling, so I am continually putting wood in the fire but it keeps us warm. We were lucky and didn't get any snow like they did just south of us.

I have been kind of enthralled with working on some Gothic type ideas. I got some new Photoshop brushes and they are working out really well. And I am learning more and more about working with layers and I think that is what is making my designs different than when I started. I hope you like the new styles as well as the older ones. 

I am also really, really enjoying not reviewing. That took up so much of my time and the new reviewers are doing a good job keeping up with the submissions. I am hoping when Firefox 4 comes out there won't be any problems with the different extensions and Persona designs. I am not going to download it as soon as they let it out for the public. I have found it doesn't pay to update something for a few days to make sure all the bugs are out. Mozilla works very hard on the Beta with a lot of people using it and finding problems, but they never find all of them until it is let out for the millions of different people to use.

I really don't have much to say or complain about today, but I didn't want anyone to think I wasn't still around. I am and I am working.

Hope it is warmer where you live. Have a great week end, all.

Till next time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wishing for Spring

 Four Fantastic Frogs
Good morning or afternoon, wherever you are. I am working on spring designs now and some Easter ones. I just love this frog design and hope you all will, too. They have such big, hopeful eyes! And that is what I am doing, hoping for an early spring. The dark, dreary weather has a way of getting me down and kinda sad, which is really dumb, because I have no reason to feel that way. So right now I have my frogs up on my Firefox and every time I look at their silly faces, I want to smile. If you like them I also have a wallpaper at: They aren't exactly the same, but close enough. I submitted the frog design to iGoogle, too, but so far it hasn't showed up. They kind of pick and choose what they put up, I think. If it gets on, I will let you know.

When I checked in to my blog this morning I remembered how I vented last time and I probably shouldn't have submitted my faithful users to that, but it is done and I felt better.

I have received several requests by people that have lost a loved pet and want a Persona to memorialize them and that they can use. I have made several for each of them. I can understand that so well. The last dog we had died in 1992 and died in my arms. He was my faithful companion and we loved him dearly. I still have not gotten over the loss of him. Even after all these years once in awhile when I drive into the garage, I check to see if he is in the way because he would always jump out of his bed and greet me. A lot of people think I am nuts not to just get another dog, but losing them is just too hard. 

Wow, I have no idea where all that came from, I was just going to write about the requests and the sadness they feel when they write and I am so glad I can bring a little happiness into their life by doing what I love to do. 

Right now I am working on some poppy designs. The old orange red poppies we used to have are one of my favorite flowers for some reason. I guess it is because they are so bright. You don't see them very much anymore in peoples gardens so I am making them to put on your desktop and Firefox. I have a tendency to get stuck on one thing and end up and make too many and can't decide which ones I want to submit.

I see the news about Australia's cyclone and the horrible things going on in Egypt and other parts of the world. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get along and live a secure, peaceful life? That is my wish for you all. 

I will get back to work now. I think I will start work on some cow designs! That is one thing I haven't worked on, so will get to it...

Have a great day and enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. I am hoping the Packers win.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...