
Showing posts from January, 2011


Hot Pink Valentine Valentines Day is coming up very soon, so all of you out there remember to pick up a valentine for the someone special in your life. I forgot last year and felt terrible when my husband (of course he remembered) gave me a beautiful card ! So the next time I went in to town I bought one for this year! Now if I can just remember where I put it!!! When I started this blog I wasn't going to make it a personal thing, just about Personas, but over time it has evolved, just like everything does. Today I think I will vent! So, watch it comes. I wonder if any of you out there have come across a young woman/girl that gets a little bit of power and it goes to her head? I did just recently. I have been a part of the Persona group for over 2 years and during that time it was always young men that I was in contact with and helped me learn as I helped out the Persona project. I never once had a problem with any of t...

Working on Valentines Day

Rainbow Bears   What a difference? Last week I was working on winter and snow designs and now I am working on Valentines Day, Easter and spring! I have quite a few Valentines Persona designs on already and an iGoogle theme called Spring Bunnies. I was pleased with both of them. I have noticed that when I submit a particularly good iGoogle theme, sometimes it is on line the next day. Spring Bunnies was one of those. Spring Bunnies The graphic above is the iGoogle Theme but the Persona matches it. I have been working on wallpapers to match a lot of my designs this week. It is really quite nice not having to review, as I spent hours a day doing that. I think I put in my time making the Persona project successful. I have reviewed for almost 2 years and it may even be longer than that. So this week has just been a fun week doing what I want when I want. Working on spring designs when it i...

January Snow

Flying Free   Happy New Year to you all. We had a snow storm over the week end and I finally got some good snow shots. Plus we got to meet our newest great grandson on the same day. What a wonderful feeling to hold that precious small being in your arms! And what a precious being he is.  I have been busy working on Valentines Day and Easter Personas and several are on line right now and more soon. I am currently not a reviewer for Personas so the queue is getting longer and longer. I spent hours a day reviewing designs to help the Mozilla team out, but the head of the Persona department and I had a misunderstanding. (If that is what you want to call it!) I will not go into details and apparently what I did was not correct, but I thought it was, so....that is that. And to be perfectly honest I am enjoying the extra time. And I  don't get upset when I see designs that came i...

A New Years Wish

Serene Waterfall A brand new year is beginning. Hard to believe that 2010 is gone and went by so quickly. We had the addition of 2 new great grandsons to our family, William was born in August and Lucas was born December 30th. We welcome them with open arms. The Persona design I am happiest with this week is the one I picture above. When it is on the Firefox browser it makes you feel warm and serene. I had a lot of fun making it, using Photoshop, moving layers around, etc. I wish I knew more about Photoshop. There is something new to learn every day. I am so bad about getting on to blog and I apologize to any and all who read this. But sometimes I honestly don't know what to write about. With the cold weather we haven't gotten out much, so no picture taking. Well I did take some sunset pictures with my new camera but they weren't anything to brag about, in fact I deleted them.  But I did want to check in and update ...