Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How about some more cellphone wallpaper?

 I know I just posted the blog but I thought I would make some more cellphone wallpapers and I wanted to share:


I am changing my wallpaper all the time and know a few of you out there do the same! I have Firefox themes to match a lot of these so if you are interested in them, they are either on line or will be soon. 

Our state has daylight savings time and I just hate it. All of our clocks are NOT digital so have to be changed! We voted several years ago to go back to regular but apparently Congress has to ok it! Which is so dumb because nothing gets done in Washington DC anymore. Our representatives have brought it up several times but nothing gets done. 

I am going to get back to work. You need to keep your mind and body busy when you get old or you just sit and stagnate. I know my mind and body are sure not what they were before I had that weird stroke and hospitalization last summer, but I keep trying and working. My husband is 89 now and I know he is failing, but we work together on everything and keep each other going. 

Have a wonderful week!


Tuesday, February 25, 2025



 This year is going really fast, isn't it? I will be 86 tomorrow and for some reason this year, I feel it! Never have before, but this year....

Been busy making themes and cell phone wallpapers, using AI a little bit. I like to use some of wht they make for me into a theme that is for a holiday. Worked on some St. Patrick's Day theme this past week and almost getting in the mood for March. It makes me sick that I lost so many images, etc. I had saved of the holiday when both of my computers crashed over the past 6 months. 

I have been back and forth to several Drs. and none have actually found my problem. I actually went to a Pulmonologist yesterday and didn't realize till after I got home, he didn't even listen to my lungs! When my Mother got older, I remember her telling me that Drs. didn't really care about older people and they just didn't give good exams or listen to them anymore. She was totally right! They don't listen! Enough of that!

Let's get back to fun stuff. Our newest great grandson is doing so well, we are thrilled. The older great grands are in sports and doing well. So happy for all of them and proud of each and every  one!

Been making cell phone wallpapers, too and have to so many on my phone can't decide which one I like! 

So I will quit griping and post some of them!




                                                       I have names for all of these cellphone wallpapers but they don't need them so you can name them what you want. I hope you will enjoy them and my themes.

Saturday, February 8, 2025



                            BARBED ROSE







Well now I will start adding to my little bit of news. Bad news first! My back up laptop broke down! It shut off and wouldn't restart no matter what I did. Texted my IT grandson and pretty much told me there wasn't much that could be done when a laptop does that, so I will use the money I saved on my Desktop PC and get a fairly middle of the road Laptop. Ordered one from Costco as that is the best place to buy a computer with their warranty and free technical help. I can't stand at my PC all day anymore, so will just wait till the laptop comes to work in afternoons.

I don't really have any other news to share at this time so will sign off and get back to work. 



Thursday, January 30, 2025

📱📱Cell Phone Wallpapaers📱📱

Told you I would be back 


I  worked on cell phone wallpapers yesterday and they are being used and liked so will add some more today!


 To Rose Lake




                                        AURORA LAKE


                                                 KITTENS IN RAIN



               TALL SHIP   

Well, folks that is it for today. Hope you will enjoy these and if there are any ideas for some you ant, please let me know!

I am back with a few more  from today. For Valentines Day!






Tuesday, January 28, 2025


  Hard to believe it is almost February, isn't it? I have been going to get in and work on my blog but sometimes I think no one reads it, or very few so why? But I know some do so here I am, faithful as ever!

Our weather has been absolutely the best winter so far. Lots of beautiful sunshine and sunsets. Chilly but not too bad!

Such terrible fires in CA. I feel for each and everyone who lost their homes like that. 

We have a new President. Nothing more to say on that! Or esle I would be typing till midnight!

I have been working with a bit of AI to make themes, but either I don't let it know what I really want or I don't put it right so half the time I get an image I can work with and the other half not. And then I have to put it in Photoshop and re-do everything and add things to make it the right size and what I really want. I lost so much stuff I had saved for many years on my old computer and thought I had it backed up well enough, but didn't. And some of that I lost when the new computer I got had something going on with it and had to return it. So it was a double loss. I had Photoshop brushes I had gotten free in 2012 and can't find them on line anywhere so I work with what I have.

I got to meet our new great grandson last week end. He was born a bit early but he is a miracle child. After 5 miscarriages they went with IVF and it took and we got this wonderful little boy. He is gaining weight and doing so well. They have  to be the proudest parents ever!

Going to add some cell phone wallpapers for you. Just save or download the one you like, add it to your photos and add it as your wallpaper, etc. At my age I haven't even tried to figure out how to fix them so you can download them, But I have one son that codes for Microsoft and one that is head of the Computer Dept at the college so I think I could get some instructions, maybe! I will be 86 next month so it gets harder. My hubby was 89 last month and outside working right now!


How about some more cellphone wallpaper?

  I know I just posted the blog but I thought I would make some more cellphone wallpapers and I wanted to share:   I am changing my wallpape...