Monday, December 2, 2024


                                                                               TRIM THE TREE


It is hard to realize that 2024 is almost over. It has been a very disruptive year. Anyway, it has for us. My health went to pot and my husband will be 89 this month and he is not as strong as he was last winter. He still works outside, except when it is raining or real cold. He is out now getting firewood in and dumping ashes from our stove. I will be 86 in 2 months! Which is hard to believe. I am still going fairly strong. Have managed to set up a new computer with Windows 11. And I REALLY do not like Windows 11. My old faithful one finally gave out. So I did lose a lot of themes, etc. I had made. So am trying to catch up with that. 


Also keeping our big house up is a lot of work. I am afraid we don't need one this big but have lived here going on 58 years so here is HOME! We're lucky our kids are all close, within 10 minutes of our house. Two grandsons and 3 great grand kids. The farthest away is our grand daughter and she lives in Olympia. And we have twin grandsons that live close to Seattle.And our only granddaughter is expecting a baby boy this month! We are thrilled because they have had 5 miscarriages so this one is a miracle child. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving at our sons home and some great grand kids. We ate too much and then after dinner we played Uno till time to leave. It was different not to have to fix so much food, just the sweet potatoes but our daughter in law is a fantastic cook and everything was so delicious. 


I have been busy making themes and cell phone wallpapers so am going to put some on here for you to save if you like. My only great grand daughter loves them!

                                     RED CHAPEL

                                   CHRISTMAS TREE

                                   REINDEER SANTA

                             CHRISTMAS GNOME

                                        CHRISTMAS BUNNY

                                FOUR CANDLES

                               FOLLOW THE STAR


                                 FIRST CHRISTMAS

                                      STAR LIGHT

                            SAD CHRISTMAS KITTY

Have a great Christmas and I may be back with more!


How about some more cellphone wallpaper?

  I know I just posted the blog but I thought I would make some more cellphone wallpapers and I wanted to share:   I am changing my wallpape...