Saturday, February 17, 2024



                                                            The Kiss 

Well, February is over half over...but I am finally getting to the blog. Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day and the weather is treating you well. Sounds like somewhere everyday there are weather problems.

Did you watch the Super Bowl? We had all the kids over, ate pizzas, played Uno and since the game didn't start till 3:30 here we started our celebrations at noon! Had a great time. Lots of laughs and love. And the team I was backing won~That is the reason I made the theme "The Kiss"! I know some people think it is really dumb but at least these 2 are actually "nice people"!  

Been using a lot of AI to make themes and having a good time. Because of my back I stand up at computer and don't do much sitting during day at all. Feel much better that way.

I will have my 85th birthday in a week or so. Hard to believe I can be that old. It sounds soooo old! But I am doing ok. My husband is 88 now and he is doing well, too. Both of us keep so busy I think that is a lot of it. You just can not sit around and feel good. 

Our grandson that had that horrible fall and brain injury is doing so well. He is going to have to wear a hearing aid they think, because the brain surgery, ear surgery they did, didn't really help his hearing in the one ear. But we are so thankful he is doing so well.

Our oldest son will be retiring in April and they are planning a 6 week trip to Alaska and get some fish! She is going to can some of it while they are up there and have the rest flown down. They are doing a lot of planning so I hope it is a wonderful experience for them. They both work hard and deserve this. 

We watched Oppenheimer on Peacock last night and really enjoyed it. We don 't go to movie theaters anymore, so were pleased we could actually watch it. 

The new medicine the Pain Clinic prescribed has really helped me. I wonder why a Dr. didn't prescribe it years ago. It is for Fibromyalgia and I have had that for 40 some years. It works on the nerves so has actually helped the nerves in my fingertips that would turn white and hurt from Raynaud's. And helps the nerves in my back and legs.

2024 is going to be fun year with all these politics. I am frankly tired of it already! And we have a long way to go!

 I got a nice letter from a theme user telling me I should have my grandson set up an account so users could donate some money for my themes. But I really don't want to do that. BUT I decided I would accept Amazon gift cards if anyone felt so declined. We order a lot from them because we don't go out a lot. I hope that doesn't offend anyone but I do work hard at it. I have to admit I love doing it, though.

Cold, yucky March is just around the corner so guess I will start on some St. Patrick's Day themes!

Have a wonderful end of Feb. and March. 


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...