Saturday, January 13, 2024

💨🌨Cold, Cold January🌨💨

Light of Orchids

What a start to the new year! Sounds like everyone in US is having weather problems. We broke the record for cold here at 3° couple nights ago. But with NE wind is was 22 below. We put a blanket between the family room and the living room. The family room has a gas stove in it so it would be fine but we have the wood stove in the living room and if you have ever had wood heat you know that is the only way to go. But my husband slept in his lounger in the living room to make sure to keep the fire going all night. We have a propane furnace, too, but the price of propane doesn't meet our current income status! I work in my computer room with a hoodie, gloves and fur lined boots!

Our youngest son is 63 today so our kids are all coming over and celebrate his birthday and play Uno. 

Really haven't been doing much, except my usual baking, cleaning and working on themes. Been making a lot of new ones but since I am still updating older ones I can only submit so many a day. But I am having fun and hoping my computer holds up. This is where most of them are stored. And my back up hard drive hadn't been updating since 2022 so I unplugged it. I need to get a new one but everything is so expensive.

My 85th birthday is next month. I don't feel that old, most of the time! 

I hope you are all keeping your Firefox up to date. It's very important for security reasons. So, if you haven't done it for awhile, check and see if you need to.

Hope this finds all of you well out there and not in the deep freeze. We got all 3 of our "shots" for the winter and take C and zinc everyday.

I didn't send any Christmas cards out this year so hope you all that didn't get one, had a Merry Christmas. Now lets hope for a great News Year....even though we are in the middle of elections season! 

Have a good week!



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...