Tuesday, November 28, 2023

🎄Late November🎄

                                                       A Red Barn


Wow, I didn't get anything written for a long time. But it is a real busy time of year. Right? 

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Most of our kids and a grandson and 1 great grandson were here for for dinner. My daughter in law actually cooked the turkey and the pies, etc. She really helped out. At 84 it is just too much to do it all myself. This was the 65th Thanksgiving dinner we have hosted. I keep saying I am going to hand it off but since I am doing so well, I will keep at it. Without my daughter in law I wouldn't be able to, though. I have a single built in oven and it is not big enough for everything. I made the candied sweet potatoes and dressing and that filled the oven!

On Saturday evening I listen to a computer guy on the radio and someone asked him which browser to use, Chrome, Firefox or Safari. I was pleased to hear him say that Firefox was the most secure! 

Some of my computer equipment is getting so old it is starting to go bad. In the past 3 weeks I had to buy a new battery back up and a new printer! Merry Christmas!!!

I have been making more themes than usual for some reason. The one I posted on this blog is one of my favorites. I am an old, old farm girl and love old barns. I thought this theme turned out especially good. And some Christmas winter gnomes!

My husband is replacing our outdoor lights with motion LED lights at our front and back door today. One is up and it looks great. 

If you read my blog a few months ago about my grandson that fell off the roof. He is a miracle child! He is doing so well for someone that had to be brought back by the EMT's. He had the surgery to put the cap back on is skull and work on one ear that he is having a problem hearing with. He takes his drivers test in a few weeks. He is trying to decide what he wants to do for work. He is not going back to house repairs! He has a degree in Japanese and was going to go to Japan to teach English but Covid hit and that kind of put  that though to the background. He is talking about working a the rehab place he has been going to for a lot of his rehab. We feel so blessed that he is so well. He told us that his neurologist said that he was doing the best of any of his patients for what he went through.

I wish you all a wonderful winter and a Merry Christmas. I doubt if I get back on before the new year. Being an old great grandma I really don't have a lot to blog about.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...