Tuesday, September 12, 2023




 Hello, September. Fall can definitely be felt in our area. I am back in hoodies already. But I can't complain about our summer. Compared to the rest of the US the PCNW was really great. We are still in a drought so fire fires are still burning. The smoke hasn't been near as bad as last year, though! 

                                        Power of Orange


Our grandson was scheduled for his brain surgery this morning in Seattle so everyone had booked hotel rooms, etc. to be there for support, etc. They got to the hospital and his skull cap (they had removed that after the injury and stored in another state!) had not arrived. The place that was caring for it, forgot to send it! I was so frustrated but he took it like a  trooper and thought it was funny! We were so hoping that this would be the last of the surgeries, etc. It was to make sure everything in his brain was ok and in place, reshape his head to replace the skull cap. Plus he was having ear surgery at the same time by an ear specialist because his hearing was not right in his right ear. So now we have to wait for another date, etc. 


I had cortisone shots in my back last week. They decided to put one in each side this time, It hasn't helped as much as the first time 4 months ago. I doubt they can give me anymore because they don't like to give you cortisone very often. I didn't realize it but it actually cuts your immunity so you have to be more careful. Covid, flu and the RSV are hitting our area so I am sticking pretty close to home. I can get my Covid and flu shot in two weeks and then will get the RSV. You don't want to get that one at the same time as the other 2, or so they say.



I am missing all our fall tv shows that we watch! Watching a lot of Netflix, etc. But watching a lot of really bad movies!


We are pretty much prepared for winter. Propane tank is full, got the trees that we cut down, all cut and piled in woodshed, plus we bought a pallet of presto logs. I hate the thought of having to have fires but I can't be cold so. The furnace doesn't keep me warm enough....or I should say we can't afford to keep it high enough to do so! I am fairly comfortable at 78°.


I have decided that this winter I am going to start posting about how my life was 70 years ago and how lucky people living now are. I have to admit, it was a hard working life but times were so much simpler and safer. I am going to sign off for now. I hope you all have a wonderful September! I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore so I may just be wasting my time!








                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...