Monday, June 12, 2023

πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ’–Summer Time😘😘

                                           Future F_Fox Designer

Time to write an update, I guess. Weather is beautiful today. The Pacific Northwest is beautiful but the weather is really strange. It can be 85° one day and 65° the next day. You never know what to wear somewhere because the weather can change in an hour. My Mom taught me years ago to never leave the house without a jacket! Lesson well learned! 


First off my appts. with the Pain Clinic were time well spent. They figured out where the "spot" was that was causing the back pain and numbness in legs. So I got the cortisone shot in that exact spot. They use XRay to make sure they get the exact spot. Took a few days for me to notice any difference and after 3 weeks it has really helped. But I have found that sitting is not good for me, so I stand all day. I only sit down for our morning coffee break and lunch. And finally someone took Fibromyalgia seriously and put me on a med that has to be compounded so insurance doesn't cover it! You start out taking 1 capsule a night for the first week, the next week 2, and the third week 3. To find out which dose is the one that helps. I read the entire Mayo clinic study on it so am really hoping it is successful. Haven't been taking it long enough to know but I haven't had as much burning in my legs as before keeping my fingers crossed.


Had to call 911 for my husband the early morning after Memorial Day. His brother and nephew came and cut down 2 huge birch trees that were dying and would fall on our house if they blew over. He worked 3 days solid on that, cutting up logs, etc. And it was just too much. He is 87! He came out of the AFib without shock this time, which is really good. They are trying him on a different med, too. Getting old is really not a lot of fun!  Actually we are doing very well for our age so I should not complain!


We are having a family reunion for my family this Sat. and am really looking forward to it. We haven't had one for many years. One was planned 3 years ago, but Covid that got called off. Am looking forward to seeing my sister and brother since I haven't seen them for ages. Just hoping for sunshine and I dread the ride to get there. My back doesn't do well with riding in cars. But it will be worth a bit of pain!


Our oldest great grandson graduated from high school Friday night. We couldn't go but we got to watch it live on the TV so probably got a better view than if we had gone. 


Gotta start dinner so will sign off for this time. I am so tired of this political "junk". I can't imagine how deep down and dirty the 2024 election will be like. I wonder which party started digging the dirt. It doesn't start with a D!

Enough! Over and out till next time!


Origami Fox




                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...