Monday, March 6, 2023

๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’šMerry March๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š


                                                   Patrick's Gnomes on the Farm

 March came in like a lion here in the Pacific Northwest. But I guess we can't complain because it sounds like everyone is having bad weather. So sorry for all of us! I am sure we are all ready for summer. 

My 84th birthday was last Sunday and the kids were over. Had a really good time, but then we always do

After being at the Dr. last week about my back I decided I would try to borrow an inversion table from someone, but couldn't find one, so ended up and had to use Amazon. It was here when we got up yesterday morning so that was yesterdays project! Oh, my many part it has. We decided it was too much so texted our youngest son to see if he was busy and it was just starting to rain so he couldn't burn the piles in his field so he came over and they got it all put together and got it set up for my height. I used it too long the first time and my back hurt the rest the day. But we moved the back heat massage "pillow" this morning and it is in a better place. They call it a pillow but it is too hard to be called pillow!

We got our last Xfinity bill and I just about freaked out. So called them and got our "package" put down. We have the lowest package that has mainly just the networks on. I do miss CNN and MSNBC but the bill just got too high. I honestly don't see how people can pay the enormous amount they charge anymore. Something should be down about it...The next thing will be cut the cord  completely, I guess. But you have to have internet anymore. Our homeowners insurance went way up, too. I know everyone is going through the same thing. So I shouldn't complain! Everyone is going thrugh the same things. Sorry!

I will sign off for now. Still working on themes and updates. 

I can't believe we are actually hearing about the next Presidential election already. I think maybe we were smart cutting half the cable.

The sun is shining this morning and all is well!

Have a good week, a good month and be well.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...