Monday, November 7, 2022

💨💨Blustery November💨💨

                                                  NOVEMBER GNOMES

 We got through October! Have you had enough election mailers and tv ads? Boy, we have! This is one of the hardest fought elections I have been through and one of the most important. I am not feeling very positive in my old age!

What a wonderful summer we had! But now the fall is here and it is cold, rainy, windy and even a few snowflakes have fallen. We are about as ready for it as we can be at our age. I am back into hoodies and half the time when I am working on the computer back here in my "office" (boys old bedroom!) I have the hood up! It is amazing how much warmer you are with a hat on. My husband told me that years ago, that a large percentage of your body heat goes out the top of your head. He was right!

I am still updating and working on a lot of new themes. I still love working on new themes and sometimes I get so excited over one. But then go back later and can't figure out why I liked it so well, so delete it.

Veterans Day is Friday. I hope everyone thanks a veteran they know. My Dad was a veteran from WWII, My brother is also a veteran. So thank you to all the veterans that have kept our country free.

My husband and I do a lot of reading on tablets so they are all ebooks. I get most of them free from Amazon. I get a daily update of free books from BookBub and Freebooksy. If you read a lot and read on a tablet of some sort, you can sign up and get an email every day with a list of free and discounted books. You can choose the genre you like. We like historical and mystery. My husband favors Western. I also get free ebooks from our local library. Just finished reading Hold the Line by Michael Fanone. That was a really good one! I don't usually write reviews on books but I did on that one.

I have never asked for money, etc. for my themes but I have decided if anyone wants to send me an Amazon gift card as a thank you I would more than gladly accept it. We use Amazon a lot. I do the Subscribe and Save for a lot of things that we use all the time, supplements, etc. So gift cards are very useful! Just had to order a walky talky set because the one I use in the house finally broke down. We use walky talkies so we can keep in contact when he is out. We have gone through a lot of sets over the years so I ordered a much cheaper set this time and it seems to work fine. If you set them up to the same channels you can use an old one along with a new one...

I started my fall cleaning, but the shoulder I broke in late April isn't up to window washing! I was surprised because it hasn't bothered me much but I guess all of them won't get cleaned on the inside. Will try one more and see how it goes.

I am so afraid my desktop is not going to start some morning when I open it up. My grandson (the IT guy at WWU) built my desktop so many years ago I can't remember. He put XP in it. I have had 7 and 10 and can't update it to 11. He has had to replace a few things in it. A video card once and a SS hard drive but otherwise everything else is pretty much the same. I know I want another desktop but it has to have a lot of USB ports and most of them don't. So I just keep working this as long as it starts! My old Photoshop is on a disc and I am going to have to put the program on a USB so I can install it whenever I have to get that new one. Maybe I will do that this afternoon. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving and lovely fall. I will get back on one of these days.

All is well here in the PNW!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...