Tuesday, September 6, 2022


                                                                 SEA SUNSET


Well, here we are. September! I know lots of people love the fall weather but to me it is just the beginning of winter and cold, miserable weather! I am a summer gal! I totally enjoyed the 85 to 90° weather we had. I even put our big fan up today. We don't have AC and really don't need it. We only used the big tall fan one evening actually.


My shoulder has almost entirely healed and doesn't bother me at all. But this past week end was my daughter, grandaughter and my Pickle Day. We get together and do over 50# of cucumbers and make pickles every year. Got 49 qts this year. Half my Grandma Joe's recipe for dill and half Bread and Butter. We call them Three Bitches Pickles! Years ago one of us joked about being bitches and that was it. I made a label for the jars even. Everyone loves both the dills and the B&B's. Our dills are very hot! 


But this year I wasn't the one that cut each and every cucumber. My shoulder gave out about 35# in and my husband took over for about 10 minutes to let my shoulder rest. It really upset me and I never even thought about it starting to hurt as it hadn't bothered me for some time...but when you are cutting 50# of cucumbers that is a lot of chopping and slicing.  

I have been enjoying my daily walks this summer. I am not looking forward to walking in the cold but I will. You have to keep your body moving!

Going to sign off for today. Have a super September and enjoy the last warm days.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...