Thursday, August 11, 2022

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜AUGUST ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

                                                        PURPLE DELIGHT

August is here and pretty usual August weather. It has been great so far. Not too hot for us and not cold and rainy!

We have been doing quite well. Still doing my PT for my broken shoulder and am gaining "most" of my dexterity back. Sleeping is still difficult with it because I can't roll over to my right side! And if I accidentally do I wake up with it aching.  

I am so unhappy with the state of the USA right now. We are better than this! We follow laws and rules AND if you don' pay the piper! Some think they are above the law....they AREN'T! History will be written and hopefully it will be truthful and show our grandchildren and great, great granchildren what actually happened. And they will learn by the mistakes that were made and won't make the same mistakes. We can only hope!

I still keep making themes because I love doing it. I know a lot of them aren't being used but I am still updating all of them. 

I don't eat like regular people! I eat the same things day after day and if something I eat is unavailable I get upset. I have yorgurt for lunch! Every day! I used to eat only Trader Joe's Mocha yogurt.....then they quit making it. So I found Noosa Mexican Chocolate......then they quit making that. I finally gave up and was eating whatever kind I thought I would like but was never happy with the choices. So I decided to see if I could make my own coffee/mocha yogurt. Did a search for recipes and found several. I have found my ONE! And I am so pleased with it. It is very easy to make and I am making a quart at a time and that will last me all week. It's probably not as healthy as it should be but I like it! And that is what matters. I order a quart of Mountain Valley vanilla yogurt from Walmart every week. That is the brand I am using. It isn't expensive and is quite thick. I don't like the healthy Greek yogurt because it is too sour for me. If anyone is interested in my receipe, please post a comment here and I will post it. I used to have a Quaker Everything Rice Cake with chunky peanut butter with my yogurt but since the Pandemic you can not find the Everything Rice Cakes....

For dinner I have a salad....yes, just a salad. I cook for my husband but I rarely eat what he is having. You would think I would be super skinny but I am not and since I hit 80 I have actually gained. I still do my exersize bike 20 minutes a day and walk a mile or 2 a day. But age does catch up with you! I weigh 120 now and have always been around 117 so I am not pleased but....ya gotta eat.

We do have a 10:00 AM coffee break and a slice of whatever kind of sweet bread I have made. I have gotten back into baking more since Covid and collecting desert bread recipes. Our favorite is a rhubarb bread but our rhubarb came ripe at exactly the same time as I broke my right shoulder so didn't get to make much of that. I did get a couple in the freezer but missed that. 

I am going to sign off for now. I know this is totally boring to most out there and you could care less, but I kind of enjoy writing so......

Have a great August and hopefully I will be back for September. When you are 83 you never know......



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...