Saturday, April 9, 2022

            Hummingbird Spring by M♥Donna

Well, Ukraine is still under attack by the Russians. I just wonder if the Russian people actually realize what is going on. I fear they don't. It sounds like all the "real news" isn't getting to them, only what the Russian government wants them to hear. So sad!


Another month has come and gone. We had our 65th wedding anniversary this past week. It sure doesn't seem as long as it sounds and it has been a good 65 years. The first thing we do every morning (since Covid started) is give each other a super big hug before breakfast. Best part of the day!


I am still making and updating boring....for all you readers. 


My brother has his 80th Birthday this coming week. He is a sweetheart and had a difficult year. 


 My husband had heart monitor put on 2 weeks ago. It comes off tomorrow. He has to have one put on every 3 months. Hopefully not forever but we don't know.


We are going out and getting our groceries every other, very early Saturday mornings now, but we are still wearing masks. I got a hunch we will probably be wearing them the rest of our lives when/if we have to go in a store. I thanked the clerk that checked us out this morning for wearing a mask....he said, "Oh, I wasn't feeling very good this morning!" Panic attack!!!


My husband is so happy he can start mowing the lawns again. Silly guy!


Think I will go for my walk. I am really disappointed that my back started hurting again. Had the surgery in October and within a few weeks it started and is getting worse. I just DO NOT want to call the Dr. but will have to break down and do so one of these days.


 Have a fantastic April!


 Easter Eggs & Sakura



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...