Saturday, January 1, 2022

🦊🦊Happy 2022🦊🦊




Happy New Year from the frozen tundra of the Pacific Northwest! We have really had the weather this past week. Woke up Christmas morning to a northeaster blowing and snowing. Kids all made it here all right because they have big 4 wheel drive pick ups. Youngest son did have to pick up our daughter because she lives on a hill and there was no way her Subaru would make it down the hill, plus the drifts that we had. We were all warm and cozy...ate a lot and drank some wine and played Uno for hours. We don't do gifts anymore and haven't done for years. None of us need any more  "stuff"! Got to see some of the grand kids and all of the great grand kids Christmas Eve day and that was super. Everyone has Covid on their minds so we didn't get to see some of the grand kids, plus the snow! I made my chicken wings that take 3 hours to cook and evervyone brought snack type foods, sandwich makings, home made blueberry cinnamon rolls, etc. A good time was had by all! And everyone got home safe and sound, thankfully.


 But it has continued to snow and blow all week. The neighbor has a Bobcat so he plowed our dead end road. There are only 5 homes  on our road so the County snowplow never comes down it. My husband shoveled our driveway so we could get out this morning to pick up some groceries. We figured if we got up at 6:30 and went to WinCo early on New Years Day there wouldn't be many shoppers and there wasn't. We double mask and only get groceries every other week. Plus still getting stuff delivered. The Covid only seems to be getting worse what with the new Omicron.


My sister in law had a really bad fall and was in bad shape for awhile. They live in AZ and were going to fly home to WA the next day but didn't get to this year. We are all just thankful she is doing all right now.


I am still updating...doubt if I ever get finished. I did start a new Collection of Full Toolbar themes. It is funny because some users like the theme to go clear across the entire toolbar and others don't like that. So if you find one that should be in that Collection, please email me or review it and I will put it in.


Have really enjoyed making a bunch of brand new themes this past week. I just got needed to get Photoshop open and back to some designing. 


I managed to get a few Christmas cards made with my old, old Broderbund program that keeps telling me it won't work with Windows 10 but I keep managing to make it work. Since we got so few cards this year I don't think I am going to send any out next year.  


I do want to wish you all a much better 2022 than this past year. Let us all hope the Covid goes away and we can start living our lives again! I will be 83 next month and would really like to get back to a normal please get vaccinated and wear a mask!



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...