I would like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving. If you aren't in the USA, take this day to give thanks for just being alive and for having loved ones. We have all suffered through this horrible pandemic, some losing loved ones, some nursing others and just having to keep trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. So take this day to give thanks.
This is the 63rd Thanksgiving dinner in a row I have had at our home. The gatherings aren't as large as they used to be, since we have lost a lot of our loved ones...grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles,, husbands, wives and children.
I am so thankful that so far my family has faired well during this pandemic. Most of my loved ones have gotten vaccinated but a few have not. I hope and pray they will decide that the vaccine is the way to stay safe but I fear that is not the case in a few of them. And maybe some will be forced to to continue working, schooling, etc. The vaccine has proven itself to be safe for all and the falsehoods that have been posted and whispered are just not true.
Anyway...I have my cranberry salad (my Mom's recipe) made, the candied sweet potatoes ready to bake (my Grandmother's old fashioned recipe that is so full of sugar it's not good for us, but ....we're gonna eat them anyway! The turkey is thawed...the house is cleaned. (Which, after back surgery is no small fete!)
We faired well through the flood in Whatcom County, Washington...without too much of a headache. Although many, many families have no homes left to celebrate this year. It is supposed to be be a very wet, rainy, windy Thanksgiving but we will have the fire going and the door partly open to keep fresh air flowing.
Thanks to all of you who read my blog and use my themes. I treasure you all!
Lastly, thanks to Mozilla. They have let me keep my mind busy making themes and allowing me to share them with you. They have been very kind to this old lady for many years.