Monday, September 13, 2021



                                                           Cutest Fox Ever


Right now I am waiting for my husbands Cardiologist to call me and tell me his surgery is over and all went well. What a horrible time we live in now where you have to leave your loved one at the door of the hospital, go home..and then wait for a call so you can pick him up at the door. I am so upset at people that haven't gotten vaccinated because this is there fault. Right now this is a "disease of the unvaccinated". The first date for his surgery was cancelled because the hospital had too many Covid patients to be safe. A month later there are more patients in the hospital but they can't just keep putting patients surgeries off. I have family members that aren't vaccinated and no matter what I say they still won't get that shot. You can't do anything about that, but I tried.

I just called and he is still in surgery! Taking longer than what they said....

Just made some more coffee...probably not a good idea but I have to drive to pick him up so wine is out of the question!

I got all the floors scrubbed super good as that is a good time taker! 

Have updates going but I can only submit so many at a time and the crew that does the reviewing isn't as many as it used to be so it takes longer for them to be reviewed. 

I am going to sign off for now...I am sure I will be getting a call very soon.


    What a horrible day yesterday was! I couldn't get a hold of anyone at the hospital that knew anything. The Cardiologist that did the surgery was supposed to call me after the 150 minute surgery but he got called into an emergency so couldn't call. They had told us the surgery would be 150 minutes and it was 4 hours! I finally got a hold of someone at 6:00 that actually cared and she said she would find out what was going on and call me. To make a long story short...all went well and he is home. But it was a horrible day and I am sorry if I got carried away on my blog. 

I just wish people would get smart and this would all be over. Until that happens...this is going to be our/your world so get used to it. It sounds like kids are smarter than their parents and wanting to get vaccinated and their parents aren't letting them When we were raising our kids I would have done anything to keep them safe and not get sick so I have a hard time understanding their thought process.

Have a good week!


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September Memories

                                                                             An Autumn Flight

Can you believe that September is here? Hard to believe that 2021 has gone as fast as it has. It has been a year we probably all would like to forget. And it doesn't look much better for the near future. So this morning I was thinking about the past and thought I would share a little bit of what my life was like 64 years ago. I was pushing buttons on my washing machine when I started thinking about the past and how easy we have it now.


64 years ago I was an 18 year old wife and soon to be mother. We had rented a cabin in the woods for 3 months and paid $50 a month rent. We felt like we were wasting money renting. There was a house on the Mountain Loop Highway that we kind of wanted and we knew it was being rented out. The owner of the house was a recent widow. Her husband had been killed in a logging accident the year before. I remember it because I was in high school and they came to the school to notify the loggers son that his father had been killed. The widow and son didn't want to live up in the mountains by themselves so moved to town. After we decided to ask her if she would sell, we went to visit her and offered her $3000. It was a 2 story house on 1/2 acre in the wood and not very old. My husband worked for the US Forest Service and was making $4,000 a year! We didn't have any savings at all since we hadn't been married that long. But she knew us and was glad to have a young couple in her house. She talked to her brother and he thought she should ask $3500.00 which was all right with us. She helped us get a loan at her bank...nothing down and $50.00 a month house payment. So, we moved in...I was excited about setting up our own home since that was all I had ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. 

Back to the washing machine! We had purchased a used wringer washer for $35 and it had to sit on our open back porch. By then we had a 3 month old son. I put him in his buggy and put him in the kitchen so I could go out and get the washing machine and roll it into the house. I had to set up a hose from the kitchen sink to fill the washer and rinse the clothes in the sink, and then use the wringer so I could hang the clothes up. It was Feb. and quite cold out. When I shut the kitchen door...I realized I had just locked myself out of the house...our son was safe but in his buggy but I was worried he might spit up and choke. I had on a sleeveless blouse and no jacket available! Our nearest neighbor was 1/2 mile away so I had to run to their house to call the ranger station so my husband could come home and get the house unlocked. (We couldn't afford a phone at that point) He had to climb through an upstairs window to get in the house. Our son was perfectly safe in his buggy sound asleep! But it was something that I will never forget since I was so scared for our baby boy. My husband went back to work and I got the laundry done. No dryer, of course so I had to hang everything in the upstairs. My husband had set up a clothes line for me. So just think how easy it is for you to get your laundry done now. No one realizes the difference in how we lived in the past. We had bills to pay and if we were lucky there was money left for groceries...which there always was but I remember when I checked out if there wasn't enough money, I had to take a few things off the counter to put back on the shelves. 

So the next time you have to to laundry just be glad you have that beautiful washing machine!!!!

More memories another day!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...