
Showing posts from September, 2021


                                                             Cutest Fox Ever   Right now I am waiting for my husbands Cardiologist to call me and tell me his surgery is over and all went well. What a horrible time we live in now where you have to leave your loved one at the door of the hospital, go home..and then wait for a call so you can pick him up at the door. I am so upset at people that haven't gotten vaccinated because this is there fault. Right now this is a "disease of the unvaccinated". The first date for his surgery was cancelled because the hospital had too many Covid patients to be safe. A month later there are more patients in the hospital bu...

September Memories

                                                                             An Autumn Flight Can you believe that September is here? Hard to believe that 2021 has gone as fast as it has. It has been a year we probably all would like to forget. And it doesn't look much better for the near future. So this morning I was thinking about the past and thought I would share a little bit of what my life was like 64 years ago. I was pushing buttons on my washing machine when I started thinking about the past and how easy we have it now. 💖  64 years ago I was an 18 year old wife and soon to be mother. We had rented a cabin in the woods for 3 months and paid $50 a month rent. We felt like we were wast...