Saturday, August 14, 2021

August Heat and No Surgery

                                                                                       Cabin in the Mist


Hope everyone is keeping cool. Wow, we have had heat but managing to get through it without air conditioning. 

My last post was pretty heated about vaccinations...well I would like to thank all you out there that have gotten their vaccine, and would like to give everyone that hasn't yet a kick in the butt!! Thanks to all of you my husbands surgery was postponed because our hospital is so full of covid cases. Un-Vaccinated of course! His surgery wasn't the only one that was canceled of course but it is his that we were hoping to get through before summer was over. We were all prepared to leave early Monday morning. We had been notified that I could not be with him at all...just drop him off...and they would call me after his surgery and then when I could pick him up. I wasn't pleased about not being able to spend any time with him after his surgery but at least he was going to get it. He isn't on is A-Fib meds right now because of preparing for his surgery.

My sister in law has lost her sister and brother in law to the Covid. And I have a hunch they were not vaccinated because they live in one of the Republican run states that seem to think they are immune. They aren't. To me vaccine has nothing to do with your politics. It is about your health! Enough people world wide have had the vaccine for over a year and it is proven they have immunity. This surge we are having right now is because of Delta. Delta would not have gotten into the communities IF people had gotten vaccinated when it was first approved for use. Delta is going to morph into another version that is even stronger and more contagious. Take my word for that! If this keeps up you will be hearing about that some day soon when you hear the morning news.

Still working on theme updates so have patience if I haven't updated your favorite. Or you can email me and I will get right on it.

Will get back to work. Enjoy the last of the summer but do it safely and wear a mask if you are indoors or where there are a lot of people. Please...


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...