Thursday, September 10, 2020

September Heat

Fall Red Roof

It is certainly feeling like fall and it is just around the corner. Right now the western states are burning up. Smoke fills the air. We are supposed to break a heat record for this day. I know we need rain but I sure hate to see it start. Even during this beautiful hot weather my fingers are starting to turn white. I just can't handle the cold! And our daughter can't take the heat!

Have you tried Firefox for Android? I have tried it several times and to be honest I don't especially like it. Maybe I just don't know how to use it correctly, but I keep trying.

We still aren't going out. My husband did go grouse hunting one day but he wasn't around anyone so he was safe. We did get our yearly check ups and flu shots. Our daughter does most of our grocery shopping for us...that and on line ordering from Costco, etc.

Some of our great grandkids are physically back at school and the others are remote schooling. It is sad that our oldest great grandson is a Freshman and can't get the experience of high school. But I worry about the ones that are actually back at school. I don't see how they can be perfectly safe...knowing children...

I have actually used Zoom and Teladoc this summer. I couldn't have done either if I hadn't gotten a new laptop since the camera on my old one had quit working for some reason. I had tried to figure out what was wrong with it by googling fixes, but was never successful. 

I am sad about the rioting in some cities. I believe that the protesters are actually hurting their cause right now. The average citizen is getting tired of the rioting and burning, even if they feel strongly about the cause. I will be glad when/if our election is over. I won't say who I will be voting for but I feel very strongly about who I want to be leading our country! So, if you are in the USA make sure you are registered to vote, check if you are registered and be sure you vote as soon as you get your ballot and get it either mailed or dropped in a ballot box. Make sure it is signed with the exact signature you registered with. If you used a middle initial or name. If you have to vote in person, wear a mask and take a bottle of water with you if you have to wait in line. This is one of our most important elections in the history of our country. 

Into the Mist


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...