Monday, June 29, 2020

Happy Independence Day!

Painted by the Sun

Hi....everyone...summer is here...well not so much in the Pacific Northwest! But hopefully we will get a week of nice, warm weather sometime during the month of July.

I hope everyone is wearing a mask when they go out. It DOES help prevent the virus. I knew when they started opening things back up, especially bars and restaurants that things were going to start getting bad again. There is no way you can keep a mask on in one of those...I hope you all were smart enough to not go into one. Do your eating and drinking at home.

My husband has a cardiology appointment on Friday and I called to find out the protocol. I am hoping he will get a good report and be safe. I usually always go in with him but am not going to this time. I will stay in the car and read.  We haven't been anywhere since March and we are still alive and well. You can do it. Most the time it doesn't bother me...week ends a bit. We call week days, get up at regular time and keep to our regular pattern...exercise and work! Meals on time, etc. I do miss shopping and seeing grand kids, and great grand kids hugs...but keep in contact.

I was remembering some of my old school days. Have you heard someone say, "I had to walk a mile to school every day?" Well, I can honestly say that. When we lived in Iowa and moved from a farm we were renting to a farm my folks bought, I was in the 8th grade. The school I had been going to from the age of 10 was a big building with grades 1 through 12. The school I went to after we moved was called Frog Pond #6! No kidding. And it was a 1 room school house with grades 1 through 8! Me and my brother had to walk to and from school and it was at least a mile. From spring, a cold Iowa winter and to summer....we walked. I don't remember our parents ever taking us since they were busy on the farm. But that teacher was the best teacher I ever had. We called her by her first name...Norma Jean. If we had to use the bathroom, we had to put our coats and boots on and go to the outhouse! Now, see how much fun all you younger people missed? I wouldn't give up those memories for anything. At Christmas time all of the farm families put on a big Christmas party for everyone...with tons of food and gifts. I only went there for about 6 months because I graduated from 8th grade! (The County put on a graduation ceremony for all of the 8th graders that went to the country schools!) So I got my first pair of high heels that we ordered from the Sears catalog! They were red and at least one size too big! But I felt so grown up!

Time to fix lunch! I hope you all have a great, safe 4th of July if you live in the USA. 

Northern Lake

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Beach Chairs

Time is going way too fast. We didn't get to enjoy summer at all last year with my husband's health problems so we were really looking forward to this summer. Our weather is our usual Pacific Northwest weather, Junuary! Plus we really don't get to do anything because we are still not going out or having much contact with anyone. Our daughter brings our groceries out every Sunday and so far we have been able to sit outside on the deck when she comes over in the afternoon. We seem to get a halo affect at our house. We can see clouds all around us but the sun is shining right in our area.

Wow...the news has been quite exciting lately. I am hoping some things can change so our grandchildren won't have to see the things we have seen. And go back to boring news!

Firefox had an update this morning so I hope you are all keeping your Firefox up to date. Some new features. One I like is the picture in picture where you can watch a video while you are open on another page. Pretty cool, especially if you are trying to change something on your computer with instructions from a video.

Have been able to do my 2 mile walk almost everyday. If it rains, I don't walk! I used to be a die hard runner and walker and weather didn't matter. I am too old and get too stiff to do that anymore.

Hope you all have a good week and are staying safe. The virus is NOT over no matter what some people are saying, 

Birds of Many Colors 


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...