Friday, May 22, 2020

Kinda getting to me!

Sakura Blossoms & Birds

Today is the first day I kind of got restless! I am busy but I actually got a bit restless this morning. Had the house all cleaned and worked on some updates, etc. I have been taking a 2 mile walk every afternoon but decided to take off this morning instead. Have to bundle up because we are having cold, windy weather so it's not a lot of fun BUT it is good for I do it. Couldn't find my husband before I started down the road so when our daughter stopped by with some donuts they couldn't figure out where I was until they saw my shoes in the middle of the kitchen floor! He was in the barn when I left and I figured no one would even miss me. So next time I will hunt him down first.

The country seems to be opening up, a little too fast if you ask me. I don't understand why anyone would take their life (and their family's life) at stake to go to a bar or out to dinner. It isn't very smart! 

I have been keeping UPS and our mail delivery lady busy by placing orders for everything we need. I hate depending on other people, even our kids for stuff. So I am helping keep the USPS and UPS ion business.

I think our world is going to be like this for awhile so I have been making some masks. Hope we never have to use them but if my old lady intuition is any good...I think we will need them.

I feel so badly for the Navajo Nation. They have been harder hit with this virus than any state, even New York. They have been treated badly from the time the first white man landed on our shores and they are not getting  enough help from Washington DC. Which doesn't surprise me but all the same....

Memorial Day is around the corner, virtually around the corner. We used to be loading the truck up and heading off with dirt bikes or ORV's, camping stuff and lots of food and family. Oh, well...

I wish you all have a wonderful week end and get to relax a bit. But please stay safe. And have a wonderful Memorial Day and remember the ones we have lost to make our country free. Also remember the ones we have lost from this horrible virus and the ones that are taking care of the sick. They are hero's too.


Friday, May 8, 2020

Into May

Fox in Light by M♥Donna

I can't believe it has been almost a month since I posted anything here. Being busy makes time fly.

We are still under pretty much lockdown, but if we want to get rid of this virus that is what we must do. Last Sunday we did go out to Costco, though. There were just too many things we needed...mostly supplements, etc. that I can't order on line from them. I have to admit I was very nervous. I had my mask on, ball cap, hood up, surgical gloves on and stood in line for almost 20 minutes. I didn't think my husband should go in so he gassed up the truck and got gas in cans for lawn mowers, chain saws, etc. They only let so many in at a time and after I got in it wasn't bad. Less time standing in line to check out. So we made it there and back. First time out since March 7th! Luckily the kids keep us stocked with groceries. 

I have had to order a lot of stuff from Amazon, Costco and Wal Mart though. Have to wipe the boxes down and everything in the boxes so it is a lot of work. But you have to stay safe.

The weather this week has been good and is going to get lots better through Sunday. My husband has been getting a lot of outside work done. The wood from the trees that were blown down last year is finally getting dry enough to put into the woodshed.

I have gotten three sweatshirts made for my husband and a bunch of masks made for us if/when we get out. I really enjoyed sewing again. Got me away from the computer, etc. My neck is very sore from the PMR I was diagnosed with late last year. And being on the computer makes it worse....looking up and down, etc. I have had to cut back on the prednisone to get weaned off of it and I can really tell it. But the prednisone is not good for you, even if it helps the they have to wean you off of it slowly. I am down to 5 from 20 and next week will go down to 2 1/2 mg. this week.

I fear for the people in the states that are opening everything up. It doesn't take a genius to realize that more people are going to get sick and the hospitals will start filling up again.You have to appreciate the Doctors and nurses that go to work everyday...putting their lives and their families at stake.

I really miss being able to be with the kids, grandkids and great grandkids, though.No more hugs, etc. That is hard.  

I am going to miss our big Mothers Day celebrations we used to have. When my Mom was alive we had everyone, sister, brother and all of our kids, etc. to our house.The lilacs were always in bloom at that time and the food...what is better than family, flowers and food? Not much!
  I may be 81 years old but I still miss my Mom! There is always something coming up where I need to ask her a question about something. 

I have mentioned before about our big rhubarb crop! We used to sell it to a company in town that made mead for his bar, but he doesn't need it now since he can raise his own now. So I figured I better start doing something with it. I went through a bunch of recipes that my Mom had when she passed away and we gave them to our daughter in law because she is the "cook" in our family. And I found our old rhubarb jam recipe so have made 6 batches of that and keeping rhubarb sauce in the refrigerator. We have given a lot of it away, too. And I am going to make a rhubarb crisp for our daughter & surprise her with it when she brings our groceries out this week end.

I hope you all have a wonderful Mothers Day and if you can't be with your Mom, call her! Send her a virtual hug.

Stay home when you can and stay safe.

Spring Quince


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...