Friday, April 10, 2020

🤦‍♀️ Social Distancing 🤦‍♂️


How is everyone doing with this social distancing? We haven't been anywhere for over a month! Our daughter is doing our grocery shopping for us. We normally keep everything pretty well stocked, but some things have to be bought fresh. Luckily our governor locked us all down early. Although I think he should have done it at least one week sooner. The weather has been great this week so it makes it much easier to be at home. I have started walking again. I didn't do any during the winter. I just can't take the cold so it is so good to be able to get out. We live on a dead end road with lots of space to walk and not be around anyone so it is really nice. 

My husband got my artisan table all finished. And he made it all from wood that we had around here. He split some old cedar fence posts to put on the front legs and I told him I wanted barbed wire on it because he has made picture frames with barbed wire in the wood. And I have several of those hanging plus some other decorations made from barbed wire on the walls. We did have to have a grandson bring a piece of wood from his barn so he could make the back legs. Anyway...we had quite a time trying to figure out the finish for the top without going to town for anything and I had some old furniture polish/scratch cover and he spread that on and wiped it off. We got our big old stereo and speakers out by ourselves and the table in. You can't ask for help when you aren't supposed to be around anyone so we prevailed! Good thing we are both pretty strong. So I will post that picture of it I promised.

 We made the birch/pine cone candle holder that is on the table, too. 

We had a little scare this week with  our youngest great grandson. He has asthma and was pretty sick so they took him in and the virus test came back negative but he got worse and his oxygen levels were down so they had to take him in for chest x ray. It showed it was in the upper lungs so it was bronchitis and he is doing better today. His oxygen levels were up so we can relax a little.

It is kind of scary when you think you or someone you love might need to go to the emergency room because who wants to get even close to one right now? I am feeling blessed that the troubles my husband went through last year are over and he is healthy again. But you can't help but worry a bit. I am 81 and he is 84 so getting up there!

Our 63rd wedding anniversary was Sunday and it was a cold, windy day but we were all settled down in the afternoon to just read and take it easy. Then...our daughter showed up with our groceries and told us to go to the sliding glass door! So we did...and here all of the kids were out there with a huge anniversary card that was 3 feet long and 2 feet wide,  a bouquet of daffodils, a cake and cookies and a trailer load of fire wood! It was so special. We ended up and went outside in the cold and social distanced and visited for a bit...but it was a really cold northeast wind so we didn't stay out long. I broke down crying because it was so unexpected and so sweet.

All 3 of our kids are considered essential workers so haven't been laid off. But you worry because they are working. 

Our governor wants us to wear masks when we are out among people so I found a great pattern on line and have made 3. I am going to make another one for my husband next week but we don't plan on going anywhere and we are shut in until May 4th anyway. So there is no hurry. I did get him a couple sweatshirts made last week while he was making my table. 

I can't believe how busy we can be. Neither one of us get bored. It seems there is always something that needs to be done or something we want to do.

I have been trying to place a Costco grocery 2 day delivery order and they are out of everything. I can't understand why people are going crazy with the food buying. If they would just buy normal then everyone could get what they want. It really makes me angry. I have been trying to get things we normally use for 4 days now and if one thing is in stock then another is out...just enough so I can't get the $75 free shipping! Will keep trying.

I hope everyone is staying home, and if you can't at least taking great care when you are out. If you are "stuck" at home try wearing bright colors. I think that will make you feel as bit better. Just something to try anyway. 

Going to sign off now and start dinner. Have a great week end and a nice Easter. I hope you stay home, rather than go to church because it is just not worth the chance of getting sick. 


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...