Saturday, April 27, 2019

I am back!

Calm River

Well, I am back with a brand new knee. It has been 6 weeks and it was pretty tough for awhile. But with family and hard work I got through it and walk without a limp now! I still have a lot of pain or ache...whatever you want to call it. But I am not taking pain medication, except naproxen sodium and acetaminophen. The only time I took the oxy the surgeon prescribed was when I was in the hospital and before Physical Therapy classes. I graduated from that on Wed. I have to do exercises at home at least once a day was twice a day. I can go down to 3 times a week over time. But I am back riding my exercise bike every day and started going for walks again. 

I have been working on updating themes again and actually making a few new ones. Can't sit at the computer that long so have to keep getting up and doing something.

Several people have commented on the I will try to answer some of them. One thing is the " Find" bar at the bottom. I never use it so it doesn't bother me, but I have mentioned it to some Mozilla people and I think they are working on that to fix it. I use the Home Page to do any searching. And for my Home Page I use the New Tab Page where I have the sites that I go to almost every day. Check it out and see if you like that.

I love the way the new/updated themes look because you can see the entire design. I even removed the search bar on my Firefox so it doesn't cover the theme. I just use the Home page to search. But for you that have an older theme that you loved and used all the time, please email me the title and I can re-submit it so it will look like the original theme. OK? I have saved most of my themes. It is just a matter of IF I can find it. Sometimes I have to change the title of the theme because there is another one with the same title, or I just decide I like a different title than what I gave it when I made it.

Calm Sunrise

Hope everyone had a nice Easter or spring holiday. I am so looking forward to nice warm/hot weather. March and April was actually warmer than normal here, after the colder than normal February. My husband has been working hard on getting all the trees cleaned up and cut up after the northeaster blew them down. Plus he had to cut another one because it was left so vulnerable from the others falling.

I hope you all have a great week end. 

Email me the titles of the themes you want re-submitted and I will start working on it.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...