Monday, February 25, 2019

Marching into March

Cat Rainbow Wishes

Are you ready for March? I certainly won't be marching into it!

My 80th birthday is this week and some days I feel it and others I don't. I have been overwhelmed with everything that is going on. I have been trying to update all my themes to match the new format and it takes forever...and I haven't even got a fraction of them done. I am on page 21 of 1686 pages! Some of them I can't update for some reason. But I will keep working on it.

I am having a complete knee replacement in mid March and I have so much to do to get ready for that. So many appointments, meetings, exercises, etc. When I looked at the notebook the Dr. gave me I thought the exercises would be a snap...but they are very painful. The Lions Club are a wonderful place to go for walkers, etc. There is no charge and you get to use them for 3 months. So if any of you have a parents medical equipment, the Lions Club would be a wonderful place to donate them. It would cost an awfully lot to have to purchase them. I am supposed to eat more protein to get my body in better condition since it is going to need it to get well quicker. I am not much of a meat eater so we got some cases of high protein drinks. So I feel full all the time and I hate that feeling.  Enough of that...

We have had the coldest February! We were snowed in for 2 weeks and still have a lot of drifts. The NE wind blows down from the Fraser River Canyon in Canada and makes it that much colder. We lost 4 1/2 big spruce trees. One blew over and blocked our driveway. Luckily it hadn't snowed yet so my husband got that one cut and hauled out to the field, but has more to cut when it gets a bit warmer. One son's roof has to be replaced as it blew off a lot of the shingles. The snow is bad but it is that wind that makes our winters so bad. One neighbor lost his garage door and his green house was torn apart. And others lost trees, too. 

I will try to write more later. Have a good week. 

Where the Sun Sets


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...