
Showing posts from May, 2018

May Half Time!

Summer Sensation May is half over and we have had warmer weather than usual. Very nice! Been working on lots of themes and having fun doing so. I love working with flowers and butterflies in Photoshop. BUT I wish I had an actual green thumb. I do not like working in flower beds or gardens. I never have. We used to always have a big garden when the kids were at home but I can't say I enjoyed it or was very good at it. We were at our son's house one Sunday a week or so ago and their flower beds are just beautiful. Our daughter-in-law loves working in her flower beds and you can definitely tell it. Ours...not so much.  Last Thursday morning started out like a regular morning, I rode my exercise bike and did the cleaning. Sat down at the computer and worked, but when I went to get up to start coffee and call my husband in, I got real dizzy. Got to the kitchen and was even dizzier so sat in a ...