Thursday, May 17, 2018

May Half Time!

Summer Sensation

May is half over and we have had warmer weather than usual. Very nice!

Been working on lots of themes and having fun doing so. I love working with flowers and butterflies in Photoshop. BUT I wish I had an actual green thumb. I do not like working in flower beds or gardens. I never have. We used to always have a big garden when the kids were at home but I can't say I enjoyed it or was very good at it. We were at our son's house one Sunday a week or so ago and their flower beds are just beautiful. Our daughter-in-law loves working in her flower beds and you can definitely tell it. Ours...not so much. 

Last Thursday morning started out like a regular morning, I rode my exercise bike and did the cleaning. Sat down at the computer and worked, but when I went to get up to start coffee and call my husband in, I got real dizzy. Got to the kitchen and was even dizzier so sat in a chair and buzzed my hubby in. Well I ended up sliding to the floor and all of a sudden everything kind of blacked out and I was freezing cold, shaking, shivering, etc. I used to get low blood sugar so my husband checked that and couldn't get any blood out of my fingers! And my blood pressure was OK, but he couldn't get me to the car so he called 911. I was pretty much totally out of it by the time they got here and don't remember much after that for a bit. They put a warmed blanket over me and I remember saying that felt so good. They took all kinds of tests, etc. and guess they figured out I was dehydrated. Anyway that is what they said. I really don't think I was, but...
It took me a couple days to start feeling normal. but seem fine now. I am trying to drink more water even if I don't think that is what was wrong...

I had to order a new keyboard. I decided on one that has illuminated keys because usually before I go to bed I come in and submit the last theme for the day and this way I won't have to turn the light on. The keyboard I am using is solar powered but it doesn't get enough light where I have it. I hope I like the new one. Thanks for Amazon. I hate shopping in the stores so the UPS and mail are kept pretty busy.

I hope everyone either called or got to see your Mom's on Sunday. Or if she is no longer with you, at least thought of her. I had a very nice Mother's Day and since my Mom isn't with us anymore, I certainly thought of her. We were at our daughter's house for the afternoon. She had way too much food, but we got to bring some home! Shrimp cocktail, cold salmon, chips, two different trail mixes from Trader Joe's. She makes these really good little "sandwiches" that are slices of tiny sourdough bread, with a slice of mozzarella cheese, basil leaf and a vinaigrette glaze. Then we had taco pizza, which we didn't need after all the goodies. Our oldest son had to work but our youngest son and a grandson stopped in to help us eat some of the food.  It was a beautiful day so we got to be outside.

This coming Saturday we get to see our oldest great grandson play lacrosse. Most of his games are miles away and we just don't go but this one will be close so we will. Hopefully it won't be raining. I actually bought a pair of rubber boots last year to go to his games. The fields were so wet at one of his spring games last year that my shoes got wet and muddy. But I hope I don't have to wear them Saturday.

Our rhubarb has grown so much this year! It is just huge. Our daughter took a big box of it to her office and they want more, so we have to cut more for her to take next week. I have made 3 rhubarb pies this year already. I use my Grandma Joe's recipe. It is so good and so easy to make. It is a one crust pie so if you don't like to make the crust you can use a boughten one. 

Grandma Joe's Rhubarb Pie

Fill crust with chopped rhubarb

1  1/2 CUP SUGAR

Pour over the rhubarb

Bake 90 minutes at 350°

I bought one of those silicone things to cover the outside of the crusts and it works really well.

You either like rhubarb or you don't and luckily we do. I used to make a really good rhubarb jam but I don't have the recipe anymore. We used to sell our rhubarb to a business that makes mead.  He was trying to get his own rhubarb patch that would supply him with enough. 

Well it is time to finish this up and I hope everyone is having a great spring and looking forward to summer. 

Ruby Throated Hummingbird


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...