Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ending January

Snow Flakes for Blue Eyes

We are looking at the end of January already. I have to admit I am tired of the cold and wet. More on its way. too.

My 79th birthday is next month. I find it hard to believe next year I will be saying, (hopefully) I will be 80 years old. That sounds like a really old lady, doesn't it? I have to admit sometimes I feel old, but not most of the time. My problem is my mind feels young but the body doesn't want to move as fast as my mind. My husband tells me to slow down all the time! And I mean all the time. 

Our oldest grandson gave us DNA kits from and we sent them in right away and I am so anxious to get the results. I have done years of work on the genealogy on both of our families so I know some of what I will find out, I think.

I have had some very bad dreams in the last week and I don't want to say anything to the kids because they would worry. One night I dreamed that my husband was lost and I couldn't find him. I woke up with my heart pounding so hard I think my husband could have heard it if he was awake. It took me a long time to start feeling normal and I can still remember how I felt in the dream. Then two nights ago I dreamed he had a heart attack and I was trying to get him to wake up and I felt so lost. So frightening! We have been together for almost 62 years. I doubt if I could be without him. I just hope the bad dreams are over. I don't like them.

Desktop Nexus has been having problems for this past week. I couldn't get to any of my wallpapers for several days and none of the older ones show up yet. Several people have written and asked me to send them the wallpaper they wanted to match the theme they were using. Luckily I save most of my "stuff" so I can do that "if" I can find it. Sometimes I change the title on line but not in my file so if I do that I will never find it.

Have been working on some Valentines themes. I got the valentines this morning for the great grandkids while we were shopping.  I get our greeting cards at the Dollar Tree all the time. You can get some pretty nice cards there for 2 for $1.00 and you can't beat that. I used to make them with Print Shop. But the program doesn't want to work with Windows 10 very well. It says it won't, but I can fiddle with it enough to get it to work long enough to make the family calender each year. I don't want to buy a new version of it so I hope it will keep working.

Now to the present day news! Wow...When I wake up in the mornings I can't wait to turn on the news. The local radio station that had all my favorite talk show people on recently changed to "old music" so I found i♥ Radio on line and found a station I can listen to on that. All of the sexual harassment that has been going on and no one either said anything or just kept quiet is amazing. I can't believe some of these guys have gotten away with it for so long. In another way I can see it. I have only worked at one outside job in my life so I don't have any experience but when I was interviewing for it,  the "man" did ask a totally unprofessional, totally embarrassing question. I was dumbfounded at the question BUT I STUPIDLY answered him. I should have said that it was inappropriate for him to ask that and if it happened now, I would. But back then I don't think I had ever heard the words, "sexual harassment". To think that we have a man at the head of our country that has gotten by with that for years and is STILL the head of our country is unbelievable. I can not understand the thinking on the right side of the aisle right now. I am glad women are speaking out and standing up for themselves. I think we need more women in the government and business. If I were younger I would definitely run for something. I was asked to run for County Council in the 1990's when we were fighting the Japanese corporation that was trying to build a huge housing development on the farm land that surrounds us. I imagine they will start that up again this year since everyone says there aren't enough houses available on the market.  I feel very strong about not developing all the farm lands. I believe that there will come a time when we can't depend on CA for growing so much of our food supply. WA and OR weather is changing and it may come a time when these two states may be where you purchase your vegetables from. If there are houses covering the landscape...they won't tear them down to grow food on. 

I better quit the preaching! Once I get going on this I don't shut up.

I hope you all have a good week end and stay warm. 

Sunrise Winter Cabin

Saturday, January 6, 2018


 Spring Farming Theme
I hope everyone is keeping warm.  We are warming up a bit here in the Pacific Northwest. I Have a bud on a rose! If you have read some of my posts, you know that we took care of my Mom when she was dying from ovarian cancer in 2002. She wanted to stay in her home, so my brother and sister-in-law, my sister and my husband and I took turns staying with her so she could be at home. Anyway, she had this beautiful rosebush and no one wanted it, but me so we got it. My husband dug it up and planted it. New Years day it had a bud! It was only 28 or so out so it really surprised me! Mom was wishing us a Happy New Year!  But last night the weather guy said we had more sunny days in December and lots of plants were showing new growth. It was a nice thought, anyway!

I keep finding new things about the new Firefox that I like. I have a large monitor on my desktop that I do all my work on and the address bar on FF was just too long, so I opened up Customize and added three spaces to it so it made the address bar smaller and you can see  lot more of the theme you are using. I am sure you all know that but I didn't! 

On Tuesday morning when my husband went to go out to his shop he found a stream of water running on our garage floor! Our hot water heater sprung a leak so we had to replace it. He wanted to replace it himself but had never installed a propane hot water heater so we decided to have it installed by the local company that originally installed it. They thought it would be 3 or 4 days! But they called that evening and said they could be out the next morning! It is funny how you just take it for granite that when you turn on the hot water faucet, you get hot water! So I only had to go two days without and I managed but hated it. What was so funny about the whole thing was when a grandson called and told me his folks hot water heater went out a couple days before and his Dad had to take the day off to install a new one! So our son's went out the say day as ours.....he heard water running in the middle of the night and looked into their garage and it had water running out the doors! So they had a bigger leak than we did. But it was sure a coincidence! 

Can you believe the politics in our country? I have become such a news junky because of it. I truly believe we have a man as president that acts more like a third grader than president. It is embarrassing. 

Well, my football season is over. I don't watch any except the Seahawks and they had an embarrassing game last week and that ended the season. I will miss them. Our daughter comes out every Sunday and brings tons of food and we really enjoyed watching the games. She never liked football before, even when she was a cheerleader! 

I am going to sign off for now. May write more tomorrow since there is no football and our daughter is visiting her children.

Have a great week end.


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...