
Showing posts from November, 2017

Firefox 57

Autumn Mist Well, have you updated your Firefox? If so, how do you like it. I have it on my laptop and am trying to get used to it. It takes me much longer to test a theme when I am making one. So I haven't installed it in my desktop yet because of that. But I will soon, probably. Plus my laptop just installed the latest big Windows 10 1709 update and things have changed on that I am getting used to that. Changes! I don't like change. The user count isn't working at all with the technicians and developers trying to get everything updated and problems fixed. I know there must be a lot of new Firefox users, though because I am getting tons more reviews. I get an email when someone reviews a theme and I always try to reply to a review. So my email tone keeps beeping. But I am glad to have people using my themes. Makes it more worthwhile. Our oldest great grandson went deer huntin...

Quantum Launch Day!

Hideaway Sunset Well, today is the big day for Firefox! The new and faster Firefox is out now. I installed it on my laptop but not my desktop. The way I test my themes is not available on 57 yet and until they fix Personas Plus I won't install it on the desktop. I am working with them so hopefully they can fix it. For anyone else, it will work fine. So try it and let us know how you like it.  There must be a lot of new Firefox users because I am getting so many more reviews than usual. A lot more. I try to answer each and every one so it takes a lot more time, but I think if someone can take time to write a review I can certainly take the time to reply. We were supposed to go to our son's birthday party on Sunday and we thought we did!  BUT when the whole family sat down to watch a was a HAPPY 60th ANNIVERSAY that came up. It was pictures of us, with the kids, grandkids and great grandkid...

Busy November

Harvest Basket I wonder if November has been as busy for everyone else as it has at our house. Normally everyone would think our lives are very boring, but at our age we kind of like boring! But hubby has been busy getting everything winterized and doing some hunting. I have been very, very busy with Firefox. Working on themes and keeping everything updated. The most helpful extension I have is InformEnter and I use it a lot and it saves a lot of time. The developer has been very busy updating it to the new format Firefox will be using when FF 57 is launched on November 14th. He has been updating it several times a day and it is working all right. Not quite as good as the original but that is not his fault. I am very appreciate of all his hard work. If you fill out a lot of forms, etc. this is a must have. You can find it at: Personas Plus w...