
Showing posts from September, 2017

Summers End

October Mount Baker I made the previewed theme from a photo I took of Mount Baker. Hope everyone likes it.  It is almost time to turn over another page on the calendar. We have had quite a year, haven't we? The past few weeks news hasn't been very promising for 2018. Families torn apart by politics, hurricanes, earthquakes and a big chance of an impending war.  Have you ever had a friend that was very close and all of a sudden they aren't anymore? It is a very hard thing to go through. They don't come around nor call. Years and years of love and friendship...gone...poof. It is very hard to understand and it hurts.  The past week we have had beautiful weather and looks like it will be 80 degrees. Now that is my kind of fall weather. I was able to hang laundry out this week. I have spent a lot of time looking for Firefox extensions to replace some of the Legacy ones that will not wo...

Half Over!

Wolf Timber I can not believe that September is half over. We will start seeing Christmas advertisements soon. I am so not ready for fall. I can't get enough summer. What horrible things have been happening in Texas, Florida and the other southern states. I feel so badly for everyone that lost loved ones and homes. Plus the devastation to nature itself. I really don't have anything new to write about, but felt like I should stop in and at least let you all know I am still around. I have been working on themes and submitting quite a few. The one I am highlighting today is the Wolf Timber theme. I was very happy with how it turned out.  I have been checking everyday on the latest extensions that are being posted. I still can't find my favorites. One of our grandsons just got his college degree this spring in computer programming so I may have to break down and ask him to start making G...