Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Taste of Summer

Summer Seascape

We got a taste of what summer is like last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am back in sweatshirts again! Cold and rainy....but we had a beautiful week last week and the nicest Memorial Day week end in years. It was hard for me to believe that people were actually complaining about the heat. So many swimmers didn't realize the rivers were still in the 40's because of all the snow pack we still have so there was several drownings.

I updated the blog this morning since tomorrow is June 1st and Memorial Day is over. I really enjoy making the patriotic wallpapers and themes, though. Have been working on Independence Day themes already. 

I had a very interesting and busy week last week. Mozilla sent 2 gentlemen up from CA and a super nice lady from Seattle to interview me for a web site. I have to say I was very nervous at first but they were such nice, friendly people I soon became comfortable with them. I am anxious to see how it all turns out. Once it is on line I will post a link so you can actually see me and how I live. The time I was most comfortable was when I was working on a theme! I kind of forgot they were here.

And we got to visit with my brother and siste-in-law. They were up for a couple weeks. It was so wonderful to see them and see they are doing so well. He is 76 and she is 73. They still work during the summer forest fire season by managing and taking care of a shower system for the fire fighters. Amazing, huh?

Well our president went to Europe and the Mideast last week. I feel I need to apologize to other countries for how he acted. I was totally embarrassed when he pushed the prime minister of  Montenegro out of his way. Apparently he was not taught any manners at all. The way he treats Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel is embarrassing and not a bright thing to do. So all of you out there in European countries. I apologize for the man who is supposed to be leader of our country.  

One of the first things I did after we got internet was to start researching for our family tree and I am working on it again. I got stuck on my father's side of the family in 1770 so I am going to work a bit harder to get more information. You can spend so much time doing research but it is so worth it when you actually find a connection. I wish I had asked my paternal grandparents more questions because their lives had to be so different. They didn't talk about the past much. They came from poor southern backgrounds and life had to be pretty hard for them. But I wish I had asked questions!

Our daughter has had this wonderful cat for almost 18 years. The cat, Sammy has been so healthy and is such a comfort to her, and so much company.  But Sammy is really starting to show her age and I can't help but worry about how our daughter is going to get through the loss of her very lovable best friend. I went through the loss of my beloved little white fluffy dog in 1991 and it still brings tears to my eyes if I think about him. And we only had him for 12 years. I could not open my heart up to another dog because of the hurt of the loss. So I worry about her. That is what Mother's do, I guess. worry!

I am going to get back to work. I hope the weather is better where you are than it is here.

Old Barn Lavender Field

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

On to Memorial Day!

American Farm Land

I updated my blog cover to get ready for Memorial Day. The eagle is hanging his head in shame for what is going on in our wonderful USA.

Hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day. Mine was very nice and special. Saturday one of our sons and grandsons came over to help my husband work on a car so I fixed venison steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy, etc. for dinner. Also made their favorite Crazy Cake. Sent the rest of the cake home with them. Sunday our oldest son and his wife and our daughter came over. Our oldest grandson and his three little ones were here for awhile, too. I got two beautiful hanging baskets and some lovely lilacs. So I did well! And it is always great to see the kids. The weather was not very good, though. I am beginning to wonder if we will ever get any summer weather. 

I have spent half the day looking for my husband's cellphone. He has a habit of losing things, keys, etc. He doesn't use his cell much and it had been over a week since he had used it, so have no idea where to look. We have both searched all the vehicles, cupboards and drawers. I am going to go through the toy box because one of the kids might have found it and it got put in there so that is next on my list. I am just worried he may have actually lost it. We don't use our cells a lot so we have been using tracfone for over 15 years and have always been very happy with it. I am going to give it a couple more days and if we don't find it I will deactivate it and get the minutes transferred to a different phone. 

Did you notice my American farmland theme? If you have read any of my posts you know how I feel about protecting farm land. I always lived on a farm until I got married and then lived in timberland since my husband worked for the United States Forest Service. So I love my open spaces and could not live in a city. Just couldn't do it. So I want to protect all the farms, especially small farms and family owned farms. And have worked for years to protect it. 

What do you think of the news this week? Every day there is breaking news and I am hoping things will finally get straightened out and we won't look like the laughing stock of the world.

Gotta go start our dinner. I have been trying out a lot of new recipes lately trying to help my sweet husband's heart health. 

Best to all of you and I will check in soon!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

♥Happy Mothers Day♥

Charming Ladybug Chamomile

Thought I would take the time and wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you will be able to spend time with your Mother if she is still with you. If not, think about her! My Mom will certainly be on my mind.

Our weather has been pretty good this week except we woke up to rain this morning. Western Washington greens up so quickly in the spring. You can practically hear the grass grow. I got to hang out laundry yesterday for the first time this year. My daughter and I were talking about hanging out laundry and we both said we didn't see many clothes lines anymore. There are a few out in the County but in the City you sure don't see very many.

Our lilacs were just beautiful this year until we got up this morning and the rain just ruined them. 

The news has been exciting this week. I have to admit I am a newsy but usually only listen to talk radio during the day. But this week I have had the little TV on in my computer room all week. I am totally amazed with the actual lies that I hear. I wonder how people can sleep at night after all the lies they tell. And then I wonder how people that are still Trump voters can still stick up for him and think he is doing a good job. My gosh, they live under rocks! Seeing the pictures of the man that is supposed to be our president laughing and smiling with the Russians in the Oval Office actually made me want to puke! I guess he was having a good time with the guys that put him in that office. I just wonder how long he will be in office. And then I think the guy that will take his place isn't much better, if any. He is out there telling stories, too. Yes, I know I shouldn't be so political in this silly blog but my fingers type what my mind is thinking about. So sorry if I make anyone uncomfortable!

I am looking forward to Sunday. Have plans and just hope it isn't raining but the weatherman says it will!

My husband is doing pretty well and I am so happy about that. I have really been working hard at fixing meals that will help his blood pressure, etc. And it seems to be working.  My only problem is left overs! I cook for one because I just have a salad and most recipes are not for one.  Plus I ordered some Super Beets for him. They tell you it tastes good but it doesn't! 

It is actually time to start working on dinner so I will sign off now. I hope everyone is doing well and has a great Mother's Day.

Sunset on Mountain Lake



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...