Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Springing into Spring

Bluebird Theme

Well, spring is here, or the calendar says it is. It doesn't feel like it here though. We did get to sit in the sunshine on the deck Sunday afternoon, though.  And that was very nice. 

I have been working on lots of designs even though I don't need anymore.

I just lost a friend from long ago. So I have had a lot of memories from back then. She was a neighbor and our kids grew up and went to school together. Our husbands were working and our kids at school and that was always when someones cow's would get out! So us women were out chasing cows trying to get them back into someones field so when husbands came home, they could get the right cows into the right field. Lots of coffee breaks together, too. She moved a year after her husband died because she couldn't take the memories in her house. So we kind of lost touch after that. That pretty much sums up a lot of my life. Have friends and then I would move away when I was a child, and then after I got married and my husband worked for the US Forest Service, my friends would move because their husbands got transferred to another district. I kind of think that made me leery of making friends. I always figured they would leave or I would. So I don't have a lot of close friends anymore. 

We had two birthdays in the family this week. A grandson and a grandaughter-in-law. It seems like there is something every other week or so. We went to our 12 year old great grandson's lacrosse game a couple Saturday's ago. And it was sooo cold and sooo rainy. I about froze. Had raincoat and rain pants on and used an umbrella.  But no boots. I could have worn my old farm boots but...So last Saturday I bought a new pair of cute rubber boots. I am quite sure it won't be rainy at anymore of his games now! In WA state, I doubt that will happen!

Our granddaughter is going to Gambia next week and I am going to worry the whole time she is gone. But I can't tell her that. She has been looking forward to this trip for several years. I am sure it will be an experience she will always remember and be quite enlightening. They actually had to send their water ahead so it will be there when they get there.

I have a hard time trying to figure out what to cook for dinner anymore. I just have a salad but I have to cook for my better half. It is very hard to cook for one person without having a lot of left overs all the time. So tonight I guess it will be stir fry. He likes that and it is healthy.   

Well, I have taken up a lot of your time so will sign off and get back to work. Have a great week end. 

Lighthouse Theme

Friday, March 10, 2017


Thomas Kinkade Collage

I just can't concentrate on work right now so thought I would write on the blog. 

I am stressed and can't do good work if I am, so quit for awhile. I am getting where I hate to watch the news because the more I hear, the more stress I have. Someone made the comment that they had PTSD and I certainly do, too. Post Trump Stress Disorder! Sounds like our health care will be no health if they pass the bill they are working on now. All of the people in power are million or billionaires so could care less about us little old people. Our taxes will be going up. He is determined to build a wall to keep workers out, but take money away from the Coast Guard and TSA  so terrorist can get in by air, sea or rail. He is cutting all of those items so he can build the wall! I am mad! I am mad at every person that voted for a 3rd party candidate, mad at everyone that left it blank because Bernie didn't get on the ballot, mad at everyone that left the President box blank! Plus Russia got this President elected! And people don't seem to really care! The late night comics make me laugh at least!

And my dear husband just doesn't feel good. He has been so healthy all of his life up until the last few years and hates not having the energy and health he was used to having. We went to the Dr. this morning so we shall see how he feels after taking some antibiotics.

Our 60th wedding anniversary is early next month and I had planned on getting our photo taken but neither one of us feel like it so doubt if we do. I thought we could use it as an obituary photo when needed. That is how stressed out I am. Thinking about obit pics! 

Got a message from a classmate about us working on a 60th class reunion for later this year. The place we had our last one burnt down a few weeks ago and that is sad. It was a great place for reunions, etc. 

Merlot Beauty

I am probably making everyone that reads this depressed so I will sign off and figure out something for dinner. Wish I liked to cook like I used to.

Hoping to be able to watch our oldest great grandson play lacrosse tomorrow. He is playing close to home this week so keeping my fingers crossed that my husband feels like going and it isn't pouring rain. 

Have a good week end!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

To Iron or Not to Iron


I have a hard time deciding what to blog about because my life is not "that" exciting anymore, but I had to buy a new iron! Wow, that is the most exciting thing that has happened to me this week. But then I thought back 60+ years about ironing. Ironing back then for a housewife was a big deal. And it HAD to be done on Tuesday. You did your laundry in the old wringer washer on Mondays and when you took the clothes off the line half of the stuff had to be ironed. Pillow cases, handkerchief's, little girls dresses, work pants, kids pants and shirts, dishtowels and all of my clothes. So you had to use a sprinkler. That was usually a bottle of some sort with a sprinkler head on the top. Some of us didn't even have one of those, we put a pot with water on the table, put your hand into the pot and sprinkled it onto the clothing you had to iron. Then you rolled it up and put it in a bag with all the other items. So every Tuesday you got out the ironing board and your iron. No steam irons back then. (That is why you sprinkled the items) There was some Tuesday's I didn't get it all ironed because of having to bake bread, sick kids or some other unforeseen happening. If you left the sprinkled items in the bag very long, they would mold! So you had to get it done. 

Now we have these wonderful steam irons. Progress is wonderful! Now I am going to go use my beautiful new iron!


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...