Monday, February 27, 2017

Marching Into March

It is snowing again. And I am sooo tired of snow. That is why I am working on lots of spring designs. 

I had a very nice birthday. Hard to believe I am 78 now, but that is what the calendar says so I have to believe it. I truly don't feel as old as that sounds, though. So that is good.

My son gave me a beautiful metal butterfly with a glass globe that has fiber optic lights that change colors inside the globe.  I put it on the dining room table and can turn it on at night and it is just beautiful. My husband and I quit doing gifts for each other years ago.

I see that the site I used for my pretty blog outside designs is no longer alive and well so I have to figure that out myself now. They sent me an email several months ago that they would be shutting them down so I was at least warned. I wish I knew how to code so I could make my own but that is beyond my 78 year old brain.

It is funny how you forget to do things if you don't do it for awhile. Photoshop is a hard program to learn and if you do something one time and don't do the exact same thing for awhile, I forget how I did it. That is why I work on themes and wallpapers every week day because I don't want to forget how to do something! I know if you are young, you probably think that is strange, but just you wait! 

Mount Baker Skagit River

I took this photo a couple years ago when my husband and I went on a summer drive. The wallpaper is available also.
Our political situation hasn't improved any. We are still under siege. 
I made a cherry raspberry pie this morning and it sure does smell good. 
I have a Collection of most of my wolf themes now. They are my favorites so decided to make a Collection of them. You can find the whole collection at: /MaDonna/madonnas-wolves/ if you are interested. I have many more I am going to submit this year.
Wolf Mountain

 This is the one I am using right now.

Last week my husband dressed up in his old USFS uniform, hat and all and went to a Great Grandson's Kindergarten class and spoke to the class. He made a board with different kinds of evergreen limbs and cones. I made some coloring sheets with Smokey the Bear, etc. We also made some sheets of paper with photos of different things you can do in the National Forests. I guess he was a big hit and the teacher was really pleased. I know Great Grandpa was honored when our Great Grandson asked him to come. I am waiting for the teacher to send me some photos she took. 

I was reading that they may be changing the themes sometime later this year or next. I just hope I will be able to submit because I have so many made and keep making more. I know it is going to probably be beyond my abilities to make the new ones but we shall see. I just may have to learn how to do something new.

I hope you all have a good week and March decided to be a bit more spring like!

Check in again soon.

Legend of the White Wolf

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Freedom Country!

Freedom Country

I just made this theme because this is what I want our country to portray. Freedom...and I think that our freedom is being stepped on. Right now I would like to be sitting in a lawn chair beside the river and when I get cold, go into the country house, light the fireplace, sip on some wine and watch the eagles fly . 


Friday, February 10, 2017

Happy ♥ Day!

Spirit of the Lion

Well, the Super Bowl didn't turn out the way I was hoping. What else is new? 

The weather finally changed in our part of the state. We were frozen over for almost 2 weeks. The County was declared a disaster area. So it is warmer, windy and rainy. The snow was piled up pretty high in drifts and gone in 2 days after it started raining. It warmed up over 20 degrees in just a few hours yesterday.

What do you think of all the US politics? Wow, it is something new every hour. I think our country is beginning to look like a laughing stock and that really upsets me. We have always been known as the country people wanted to live in and be proud of. Now US citizens are leaving for Mexico and Canada! We may end up and be the illegal immigrants! So many people are finally letting their voices heard but they should have gotten out and voted and we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now. Many people didn't like either candidate so they left the ballot blank or voted for something or someone they knew wouldn't be elected. They threw their vote away as far as I am concerned. They should have at least thought, who is the best choice instead of not voting or choosing Santa Claus or Donald Duck!

I haven't been out of the house in 2 weeks so am looking forward to getting out tomorrow.

I can't believe I will be 78 years old this month. The birthdays come much faster than they used to! When you are a child, you can't wait for your birthday. Wow, things change when you get older. I can't complain, though. I feel pretty good for my age. Keeping busy is a cure-all. 

I haven't gotten the Valentines cards form our Great Grandkids yet. They were on my list for last week but we couldn't get out. Our garage doors were frozen shut. So have to pick them up and get them off tomorrow or they won't get them.

I hope you all have a nice, loving Valentines Day.

Have a good week end and thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Enjoy the Super Bowl!

White Wolf Spirit

Just submitted another wolf design and I must say this is one of my favorites. The wallpaper is available also.

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Super Bowl Day. Since the Hawks aren't playing it won't be very exciting for me, except that I am rooting for the Falcons. I don't approve of the way the Patriots have behaved in the past. We will have a house full but we couldn't get out this morning to get some of the goodies to eat! The roads are just ice and it isn't worth taking a chance on getting hit or falling in parking lots.  My husband had a tough time getting to the wood shed without falling this morning! 

The trees are all hanging with icy limbs and they are really pretty and looks like they have Christmas decorations on them. We have had more days this winter that keep us from doing what we planned! We have a freezer full and cupboards full so only need to get out for fresh veggies, milk and my Trader Joe's yogurt. I did try a new yogurt that is as good as my Mocha TJ's though. It is Noosa Mexican chocolate BUT no one carries it so I can't find it. I looked for recipes to make my own and couldn't find one, so I can put some cinnamon and cayenne pepper in the Mocha or Chocolate TJ's yogurt and it is almost as good. I couldn't imagine putting red pepper in yogurt but it works! Years and years ago, I mean 60 years ago I used to actually make my own yogurt from scrap. I had a yogurt maker that you could make 6 cups at a time. You had a hard time actually finding yogurt in the stores at that time so I had the yogurt maker going every day. Raised the kids on it, plus my husband and I liked it. I would experiment with different fruits, etc. but I never thought of chocolate!

Have a great Super Bowl1


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...