Friday, July 29, 2016

Summer Drivel!

Lights of the North

The conventions are over and now we begin getting telephone calls, fliers in the mail, television ads so we can make an educated vote for the next President of our wonderful country. I have already made up my mind so I don't need to hear anything more. I wish the FCC would make voter robo calls illegal. We have a land line and get 2 to 4 calls a day asking for our vote. I leave the answering machine on 24/7 so we don't answer them.

I have been trying to submit more themes a day because I have so many already made and keep working on more. If I live to be 100 I wouldn't have to make anymore. But I really do love working on them. And I love getting the wonderful comments you all leave on my themes. So, thank you to each and everyone of you.

We have had wonderful warm weather this week. I love it and my old body doesn't hurt when the weather is warm like this. So I feel bad when I tell our daughter how much I love it when she can't sleep at night in her too warm bedroom! And our boys have to work in it with their heavy work clothes.

Well, the phone just rang again! Another robo call! It is very disruptive.

Our County Council is making the final decision on our Comprehensive Plan next month. They have to do it every 5 or 6 years. Anyway, I am quite sure we won the battle again. We have been fighting a developer since 1991 and it gets a little tiring. They have been trying to develop the big farm across and down from us and put in several thousand houses and apartments. To do that, they would have to be annexed to the City and we do not want, nor can we afford to live in the City. So, I think we won again IF the final vote is what we think it will be. You never know until the vote is taken and in the books!

Two Fox

I got stung twice by a yellow jacket the other evening when we were sitting out reading. It got me on the back and when I tried to swat it away, it went down my shirt and got me again. For some reason I  get a very bad reaction from them. So my back had two big red swollen spots for a couple days. It itched so badly and I couldn't reach the one. (Which was probably was a good thing)

My brother and his wife are at the big fire in California. They run the showers for the fire fighters. My brother is 75 and still going strong! My husband was a fire fighter for many years and he says were the best of times. He loved it. Our kids say they can still remember what his clothes smelled like when he got home after a week or so fighting forest fires. But it is sad to see the forests burning like they do. In California a lot of them aren't real forest fires, more dry shrub. 

Well, I am going to get back to work. Hope everyone is having a great summer. I couldn't believe it when we walked into a store a couple weeks ago and they had Back to School stuff. My gosh, they just got out it seemed like. Time goes way tooooo fast.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Hard week in the World

Patrtiotic USA

The past week has been a very sad week for the entire world. Every time you turn on the television or radio you hold your breath and hope there isn't Breaking News with another shooting, an attack or a coup!
Now this week we have the Republican Convention that probably won't make matters any better. Enough said. 

Have you ever tried to put a protective screen saver on a tablet or phone? I have been trying to do that on several items lately and not having a lot of success. The Nexus 7 I won from Brand Thunder in 2012 was getting so slow it would take me 10 minutes to get a Kindle book up so I started doing some research and decided on the Samsung Tab A. I am very happy with it and the price I got it for from Costco. Got a really nice case and screen protectors from Amazon. But didn't have a lot of luck with the screen protectors. I have tried 4 and finally just left the last one on, not because it was a great job but because my back and neck were killing me from doing it! I have spent a lot of time watching videos from "experts". And still not a lot of success. Very frustrating. So now I thought I would put a new one on my cell phone! Went through one whole package of 5 and still didn't get a job I was happy with. I am a perfectionist so for it to meet my standards it had to have no bubbles and no dust particles. I ended up with 1 dust particle and it wasn't on the main part of the screen so I figured it wasn't going to get much better so left it.

Just got my bill from Comcast and was not a happy camper on that front, either. If you are paying a lot of $$ to get TV and internet, you should be able to plug the cable in and get service. Right? But you have to have a separate box to get your TV stations you are paying for. At first the little box was free, then it was $1.99 and then it was $2.99 and now it is $3.99! A dollar may not mean a lot to some people but if you are on a fixed income (and haven't had a raise in that income for several years) every dollar counts. 

Now on another front! There is another theme designer that thinks I have some super powers over what designs Mozilla features. I don't! He has tried his best to put me down on sites and rants on the forum. I really don't know what he thinks but he commented about me making puppy, kittens and butterflies! So I made one just for him with a cute little puppy and kitty and butterflies! Fact of the matter I have made several but only submitted on so far! I know, I am not a perfect person!

Kitten Puppy Butterflies

I think it turned out really cute!

Well I hope you all have a good week and we don't have anymore Breaking News reports.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...