Friday, February 20, 2015

Thinking Back!

Me on my 175 Yamaha

I had a dream last night and I was riding my dirt bike. Great dream! I am too old to do it anymore so the only time I get the thrill of riding is when I have a dream. And I dream about riding a lot. Either my dirt bike or my road bike. But last night's dream I was dirt biking. Climbing the coal piles at Cle Elum, WA. We used to camp there every summer holiday with my family and friends. We rode the trails and the hills all day long and sat around a huge campfire, drinking wine, roasting moose meat sausages from a moose my husband had gotten in Canada, marshmellows and telling tall tales about the trails we had ridden that day. It was great! When our youngest son had his first dirt bike (he was about 10), he and a friend his age put 300 miles on their bikes the first day! They came in to gas up, and gone again. 

The reason we would go to Cle Elum was because it is on the east side of the mountains and is really nice weather almost every day in the summer. On the west coast it is much different. So we loaded up 4 bikes, 3 kids and lots of food and headed east. 

I would love to go back to those days but since my husband is 79 and I will be 76 next week those days are long gone. Only in my dreams.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Birthday Month!

Spring Garden Serenity

February seems to be the month for lots of birthdays in our family. Grandson, great grandson, sister, mine and of course the Presidents are all in Feb. I make our family calender with lots of graphics and picture of the birthday person on their birthday date (along with their age, because at my age, I can't remember!) But February calender looks very busy! 

I am working on some spring designs now, such as the one I highlighted today.

I have tried to figure out what happened to my blog to the pretty background, but haven't  figured it out and doubt if I will be able to. I worked on it for hours and something got changed and I didn't change it.  At least I got the backround red for this month.

We went after another load of firewood yesterday and when I got up this morning my knee didn't want to bend. It is getting better as the day goes on, so am thankful of that. I have had 2 surgeries on this knee because of motorcyle accidents when I was competing so it hasn't been vedry good sinced then. 

I can't imagine what the people in the eastern part of the US are going through with the cold and snow. We have been so lucky this winter. We have broken several heat records. It was 59 degrees yesterday. It was beautiful up in the mountains. How can anyone deny climate change?

Just thought I would pop in and say hi and thank all of you wonderful people that leave me those 5 star reviews on my themes. I really appreciate anyone taking time out of their day to do so.

Butterflies in the Meadow

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Blog Gone Crazy!

Hi, all. I don't know what happened to my blog but for some reason the background is missing. Just plain now. I will try to figure out what is happening but in the meantime, I am sorry about it! 

As if I needed more to do.

We have been going up to the mountains getting firewood every nice afternoon and that is hard work for us elders!

In the meantime, have a nice Valentine and let your love shine!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February Update

Beautiful Rainforest Butterfly by MaDonna

You may have noticed that I have started adding "by MaDonna" on my themes. The reason for my doing that is I am running out of titles that will be accepted. You can't have a theme with the exact same title or it won't be accepted. So rather than try adding dots, underscores, etc. to a title I decided to just add by MaDonna. It is not an ego thing!

We have been really busy lately for some reason. While everyone back east was having horrible snow storms we were having early spring weather so we decided to go up in the mountains and get some fire wood. We used to be able to get 2 or 3 loads a day but since my dear hubby is 79 we can only get 1 load a day. And the last load, he waited till the next day to unload it. We have found out since we have gotten older and neither one of us have a lot of insulation on our body we need more heat to keep warm. I have Reye's Syndrome (which goes along with Fibromyalgia) and my fingers will turn white and numb if I get cold. I used nitroglycerine ointment on my fingers (Dr. prescription) and it helped some but not completely. Then the pharmacies quit compounding it. I decided to try Niacin pills as I know it opens up blood vessels and it is working wonderfully. Better than anything else I have tried. So I am thrilled about that.

Well, needless to say I was devastated about the Super Bowl. We were jumping up and down with excitement because we knew we had it won....and then the last play of the game. It still hurts and will for awhile. Our son dropped by and gave us really cool Seahawk hats with sparkling lights around the logo. You can turn them off so mine is off till next year!

If you read my blog very often you know I am a Sons of Anarchy fan and the final season will be released Feb. 25th so I am really looking forward to that. We don't buy DVD's because they are just too expensive so these are a real exception for us. We usually start from Season 1 and watch them all through the latest one we get but they are usually released in the summer and TV is pretty poor in summer so I doubt if we do that this time. Or we just may wait until summer time to watch it. Haven't decided yet. 
Fluffy Little White Birds by MaDonna

Perfect Poppies by MaDonna

Brand Thunder is adding a few more of my designs. They wanted some Kim Kardashian designs so I made one and I didn't think they were going to put it on but it is finally up. You can find it at: if you are into KK. Then they wanted one that shows more skin so that is in the works and should be up soon. 
I hope you all have a very Happy Valentines Day


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...