Monday, September 22, 2014

Threatening Letter

Early Sunday Morning

Well, I had a first this morning. I opened my emails and found a threatening letter from a theme designer. I have had a bit of trouble with her before because she uses some of my wallpapers for her designs. I think I mentioned her before...but anyway...I had posted a review on one of her themes that was quite distorted, (just to let her know so she could/should edit it). Well, she didn't like that so this is the exact email she sent me. 

"What the hell is the matter with you!!! Don't I have enough people attacking me without you starting up too. You have some theme I don't like at all but I would NEVER put one - or two stars on yours even if I though you deserve it. I give a 4 and then explain why that's the way a theme should be rated! How much time and effort do we put in making a theme - you don't think just that is worth more than two stars!/? I can understand the 4 ass-holes rated my work with 1 star THEY HAVE NEVER MADE A THEME - I though you were better than that... Don't attack me again "Friend" I'm not someone you want to make an enemy  of - I have a lot of friends on here and if you want to have a bunch of one stars on your themes - you keep attacking me!!

Apparently she didn't take time to proof read her email before she sent it or doesn't use spell check! I think this person has a mental problem because she feels she has to threaten someone that makes a comment. I have recieved reviews that were not very complimentary and I either delete or edit the theme. I certainly don't threaten anyone or call them names.Rather petty!

OK. Enough venting. We had a super week end. The weather was perfect for the last days of summer. Our daughter came over Saturday afternoon and her Dad put new brakes on her car. The shop wanted $600 to do them and she can't affored that.  Our oldest son stopped by for a short visit Sat. afternoon, also. We got to have our 1 year old great grandson for the entire day yesterday and we had so much fun with him. His Dad got tickets to the Seahawks game for his birthday so the little ones were doled out to relatives. And the Seahawks won....but was pretty scary there for awhile.

Well, I will get back to work. Just had to vent a bit and that is what friends are for, right?

Autumn Butterfly Song

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September and feels like fall!

Winds of Autumn

September has arrived in it's cold, clammy fashion in the Pacific Northwest! Rain showers and much cooler. I DON'T like it at all. The weather man says it will be in the 80's this week end, so am keeping my fingers crossed.

We had a nice Labor Day week end. Of course we both labored some but it was still nice. Got to visit with our daughter and grandkids on Sat. night. Had delicious tacos and lots of laughs. Have to admit we got a bit loud but it wasn't long before half of her neighbors were as loud as we were. Don't get to see these grandkids as often, so was very special. I feel so fortunate to have such a "nice" family. Everyone seems to get along and enjoys being with one another. I think if more people would make an effort, more families would be happier. 

But who am I to judge?

Mozilla finally got their user count fixed so designers can actually see if their work is getting used. For a whole month we didn't know if anyone was using any of our work. So thanks, Mozilla. I kind of think most of them take their vacations in August because I remember other problems in past August's.

My very favorite television program is Sons of Anarchy. Yes, I know there is a lot of violence in it but I love the show. Have from the very beginning. We started watching Season One (for the 7th time) on Netflix the first part of August and are on the last episode of Season 5 now. Then we can watch Season 6 which I got on DVD last Tues. I can't wait to watch it but season 7 is beginning on TV and it is the last season for SOA. We don't watch it on the TV but wait till it is out on DVD.  So am hoping since this will be the last season they won't wait till next fall to put the DVD out. I will have to be very careful about not hearing or reading anything about the last season cause I don't want to know anything! But then at my age, by the time the DVD is out, I will probably have forgotten what I heard or read.

It is time for me to begin dinner and since I don't know anything I will sign off for this time.

Have a good week and drop  in again.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...