
Showing posts from September, 2013

Dreary Dreary September Day

Kitten Prayer Last week was just gorgeous. This week has started out dreary and rainy and just plain yukky! The Seahawks kicked butt yesterday, though so that was good! But I hope the little kitty above is praying for more sunshine. Mama needs it!   I have been working all morning and was getting kind of down so I started my music and that always makes me feel better. I get most of my music from Amazon, one song at a time. Just got the latest Sheryl Crow song, "Easy". Really like it, too. Most all of my music is country, but since Sons of Anarchy is my favorite TV series, I have downloaded some, but not all of the music from the show. Some of it is too 'hard rock" or whatever they call it now.  We just finished watching all 5 season of the show again. Can't wait till next August when Season 6 comes out. I keep telling my husband, I have to live long enough to see the final episode of SOA! ...

September 11th

Where were you on September 11th 2001? I think everyone remembers exactly where and what they were doing on that day. My husband and I had ridden our motorcycles to Winthrop, Wa and stayed in our favorite little cabin, Mountain View Chalets. We didn't turn the TV on that morning so when we went out to get on our bikes to ride home, the other visitors were talking and said to us "What a horrible day." And I remember saying, "What do you mean, it is a beautiful day?" So they filled us in and we couldn't believe what they were saying. So we went back in to the cabin and turned the TV on. The reception wasn't very good but we could see the towers falling, etc. All we wanted to do was go home, so we got on the bikes and left for home. It is still unbelievable in a way, that our country, where we feel so safe and secure could be attacked in this way.  A few days later a guy asked me to make a Persona theme so I did. At that point I didn't know much abou...