Sunday, July 14, 2013


Violet Pansies

What fantastic July weather we are having in the Pacific Northwest. Today is the 14th and we haven't had ANY rain. We don't usually get a July like this one. 

I am using the design I posted above today. I love the colors and they are perfect for summer. The wallpaper to match is at:

I sold my motorcycle and I cried when it left. I know I couldn't ride it anymore as my strength isn't what it used to be. So I decided I just had to sell it because my husband was having to start them at least once a week to keep them lubricated, etc. and it was just getting to be a hassle for him. Summer isn't near as much fun as it used to be, though. That was what got me through the winters, was knowing I could ride when the weather got nice. But the funny thing is, the first week it was gone, I dreamt I was riding 3 nights that week, so I guess that is how I will be riding my bike from now on, safely in my dreams.

They cut the big hayfield this past week and the eagles are flying all around it. It is so cool to look out and see those big magnificent birds soaring through the summer blue sky. Of course they are looking for mice that are visible now that the high grasses are gone. But I like eagles better than mice so that is OK!

I am enjoying the Nexus 7 I won from Brand Thunder so much. Have been doing more reading since I can't sit at the computer so long. Also getting ready for a garage sale. I can't believe how much stuff a person can accumulate. We happened to watch Hoarders on TV one night and if anything can get you moving to get rid of stuff it is that show. I feel like I need to get up and start going through closets and cupboards as soon as it is over. Which I did the next day. I had a full cupboard of odds and ends wine glasses, so that was the first thing to go!

Well, my washer just stopped so that means it is time to hang some laundry out. I hope you all have a great week and stay well.

Summer @ Its Best


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...