Friday, May 17, 2013

Frustrated with Mozilla

Corner of the Garden

 I am frustrated with Mozilla so decided I would quit designing for a bit and work on my blog. None of the designs that we have submitted since March28th (when they closed the site for submissions until they migrated the themes to the new site) show any users and we all know that is wrong. I have posted on the forum about it and others have also but apparently we don't speak "techy" well enough to make them understand. I just posted again on it, so hopefully someone will look into it. It has been almost 2 months. You take hours working on designs and then it looks like no one is using them. It is kind of disheartening. Oh, well, enough rant!

I wrote about my high school girlfriend who's husband was diagnosed with cancer a few posts ago. Well, he didn't make it. I feel so badly for her. I have no idea what she is going through. I am thankful she has lots of good friends, family and her church so I am sure she will be well loved and looked after. But I wish I could be there for for her for a bit, anyway.  I can't because she lives a long ways from me, but K, I hope you know I am thinking about you and wish I could give you a big hug. And I know you will get through this bad time.

We got the first cutting of our rhubarb Saturday. We got 194# and I thought we would never get done cutting it. A local company, Honey Moon uses it to make rhubarb mead. This will be the first year they will be able to bottle it. Before they only had it on tap at their tasting room/bar/club. They make meads, wines and ciders. They use all local products so we feel like we are taking part in Use Local, Buy Local. If you have never tasted mead you should give it a try sometime.

I hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day. I sure did. Got to see or talk to our kids and even some of the grandkids and great grandkids. I feel so thankful for our family.  We used to have Mother's Day dinners at our house for years and years until my Mother passed away. It was always a big celebration with lots of family members and I realize how much I miss the good old days sometimes. My Mom has been gone for 11 years and I still miss her. I guess you never get too old to miss Mama!

Well, will get back to work, but first gotta have my afternoon cup of coffee and handful of peanuts!

Have a great week end, all. Thanks for stopping in.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...