
Showing posts from January, 2013

Happy Valentines Day to All

Mozilla Firefox Add Ons Brand Thunder   Valentines Day. A day to  remember the one you love and celebrate that love. I hope the design I chose for this posting will be enjoyed by all. I think it is kind of cool. January is on its last leg and it has been a wet one here. I am surprised we don't have moss growing on our bodies. But at least it isn't ice and snow. I have had to slow down a bit on designs. I didn't even turn the desktop computer on over the week end at all. And that is a first for me, in many, many years. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me with narrow angle glaucoma last week and I have to have some laser eye surgery next week. I already have optical nerve damage in one eye so I am hoping it doesn't get any worse. If this surgery is successful then they will do the other eye.  I was pleased t...

Putting Christmas Away and Opening 2013!

Happy New Year 2013 Mozilla Brand Thunder Decided to update my blog and put Christmas away. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and haven't made any New Years resolutions you will break. I found out many years ago not to make resolutions because you are just setting yourself up for failure. And who wants to do that?   I can't believe I will be 74 next month. I must say 73 was not a great year for me. I am beginning to feel my age. Getting slower to get up which really irritates me since I have always been someone that moves quickly, works quickly and gets a lot done. Health wise I can really tell it, though. My eyes are beginning to give me problems which makes working on the computer a bit more difficult so I need to take some breaks. Which I find  hard to do. I don't like to quit working when I am in the middle of s...