Monday, June 18, 2012

Summer Time

Sunshines Yellow

Hi, everyone. Hope you are all having a great summer. Our weather could be better, but at least I have inside work to keep  me busy and you guys happy!

We had our family reunion and it was great. Two members of our family couldn't make it and we were all sad for that, but they had good reasons. One is adopting a daughter and couldn't find the money to fly across the US and the other are expecting my next great grandchild any day. They were missed but maybe next time! I certainly hope there will be a next time, but at our ages you don't know. You take every blessed day as it comes. 

I feel so fortunate to be able to  live close to my children and their children. Seeing the little ones learning to talk and see amazement in their eyes at something is so wonderful. To hear a little one say, "Sit, Grandma" and pat the floor next to him. 

Now back to work subjects! I am noticing that the animated Persona designs are getting a lot of usage, but I wonder if the users realize that an animated theme will actually slow their browser down. I am not going to be making any so please don't look for them.

I was pleased to make a theme for Bear Lake Golden Doodles of their darling puppies. I had never heard them called that but after I got their email I immediately went to work on one. You will have to check them out. at:  I have another one made that I will put shortly.

If you get your Persona themes from the getpersonas site you will notice that the search option is "broken". And they don't plan on fixing it. Apparently they are moving everything to the AMO site and it doesn't look like designers will have their own page like they do now. If and when that happens and it gets to hard to find designs, etc. I may retire and just make wallpapers. They have also allowed too many "adult" designs to be approved. When the Persona program first started  we had very strict rules. No nudity or almost nudity was allowed. I was hoping that Personas would be a classy program but I really do think they have lowered their standards. If you see any designs that are offensive you can report them on the AMO site at:  You can also make remarks about specific designs and give them star reviews. Check it out.

Well, I really don't know anything new but wanted to check in on my blog and decided I wanted a new background. Hope you like it.

Have a great week and I will be back soon, hopefully.



                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                         ...