
Showing posts from December, 2010

Almost Christmas

Fog on the Dike Hello all...I wanted to post this photo my husband took with my old camera last week. I wish I could say I took it but I was home working on Persona designs while he enjoyed the last day of hunting season.  The iGoogle theme is available, too and called Early Morning Fog by MaDonna. We did our Christmas decorating over the week end. Instead of lots of tinsel and shiny things we chose to do a more natural look. So we went out and cut holly, western red cedar, Alaska yellow cedar, noble fir and pine boughs from our trees. We put them on the hearth and coffee table. The smell is wonderful and all the little cones on the boughs are so pretty. I had some left over boughs, so I filled a big clear glass vase with greenery for the dining room table and a smaller clear glass vase for the kitchen table where all the food will be. Of course we put up some of the old standards, ma...

Family Values

Family Values   I was so surprised this morning when I checked the Up and Coming Persona's to see that one I made just for my own enjoyment was gaining popularity. These are cherished family photos. My parents wedding picture, my Dad in his Army uniform and with the car he was so proud of, my beautiful Grandmother and the Great Grandparents I never got to meet. This will be short and sweet but I was so happy to see others actually using this specific design when everyone is busy and thinking about the holidays that I just had to post this. It made my day. Thanks to all who are using it and now you will know a bit about my history and how much I value my family.

December, December

December Sunset Barn December Sunset December is here and time to start thinking of Christmas decorations. Time to take the fall decoration off the door and put the reindeer on. The latest news is I got a new camera and haven't really learned how to use it and all of its settings yet. Probably never will. It has an automatic setting and I am sure that is what I will use most. I did use the sunset setting the other night so I could try it out. The December Sunset Barn shot turned out really well and the December Sunset Persona turned out clearer than my old camera, so that is good. I discovered that a bunch more of my designs are on iGoogle now. Took a long time for them to show up and in the mean time I gave up and threw the paper away with the names of the designs on.!  I use iGoogle as my home page and am really happy with it. You can set it up to your liking and that is why I like it so well. Anyway,  if you use iGoogle and...