

DAISY'S BUTTERFLY                             BARBED ROSE   KNITTEN KITTEN GEISHA KITTEN   DEWY DANDELION   BLACK CAT Well now I will start adding to my little bit of news. Bad news first! My back up laptop broke down! It shut off and wouldn't restart no matter what I did. Texted my IT grandson and pretty much told me there wasn't much that could be done when a laptop does that, so I will use the money I saved on my Desktop PC and get a fairly middle of the road Laptop. Ordered one from Costco as that is the best place to buy a computer with their warranty and free technical help. I can't stand at my PC all day anymore, so will just wait till the laptop comes to work in afternoons. I don't really have any other news to share at this time so will sign off and get back to work.  ❤️🦊❤️  

📱📱Cell Phone Wallpapaers📱📱

Told you I would be back    I  worked on cell phone wallpapers yesterday and they are being used and liked so will add some more today!      To Rose Lake     CATS                                                                     THIS O LD HOUSE                                           AURORA LAKE                                                              KITT...


  Hard to believe it is almost February, isn't it? I have been going to get in and work on my blog but sometimes I think no one reads it, or very few so why? But I know some do so here I am, faithful as ever! Our weather has been absolutely the best winter so far. Lots of beautiful sunshine and sunsets. Chilly but not too bad! Such terrible fires in CA. I feel for each and everyone who lost their homes like that.  We have a new President. Nothing more to say on that! Or esle I would be typing till midnight! I have been working with a bit of AI to make themes, but either I don't let it know what I really want or I don't put it right so half the time I get an image I can work with and the other half not. And then I have to put it in Photoshop and re-do everything and add things to make it the right size and what I really want. I lost so much stuff I had saved for many years on my old computer and thought I had it backed up well enough, but didn't. And some of that I lost...


                                                                               TRIM THE TREE                          It is hard to realize that 2024 is almost over. It has been a very disruptive year. Anyway, it has for us. My health went to pot and my husband will be 89 this month and he is not as strong as he was last winter. He still works outside, except when it is raining or real cold. He is out now getting firewood in and dumping ash...


 TURKEY TIME FIRST DINNER Thanksgiving is coming up soon. I have had the family dinner for 65 years and I decided I just had to hand it off. I am just not up to it this year so our daughter in law is doing it from now on. Everyone brings a dish the hostess asks for so that helps a lot. I have to make my Grandma's candied sweet potatoes.  🦃 My health has certainly gone downhill this year. And I really feel it. I just can't do all I used to but I am going to be 86 soon so guess I shouldn't try to do everything I did 20 years ago, but it's hard for me. I have been busy making themes and wallpapers for cell phones and will post a few more of the wallpapers I liked.                                          AUTUMN ...


                                                                AUTUMN LAKE SUNRISE                                                                                 HALLOWEEN HOUSE                        ...


 Coffee Cafe by M♥Donna       Well I had really bad luck with the new computer I got to replace my good old standby that my grandson built and kept updated. But he had said he couldn't update it anymore for Windows 11. It just wasn't worth it. I lost tons of themes, wallpapers & even all of the cell phone wallpapers I was going to submit. 🎃 Back to the new computer. I could not get it set up, so I finally did a factory reset and took it back. Got a cheaper one, same brand and had no problem setting it up, getting my programs in, etc. Plus I saved $800! I had been saving up for years knowing I would have to eventually replace it, plus I had sold all my old gold jewelry! So it is paid for and everything is good!  🎃 I am beginning to feel like my old self after the stroke, dehydration, etc. But my memory is still off. I try to think of a word and it won't come when I want it to, but eventu...